We normally hear this song played by strings. But what if this segment of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” was played at hyperspeed by the brass section?
Enjoy today’s breathtaking feast!
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HT: Chawna Schroeder
Very impressive! When I was doing my undergrad studies, I had a percussionist roommate who did something similar, arranging and playing Flight of the Bumblebee on a marimba.
If only ballots could be counted that fast!!!
Very refreshing! Being a former trumpet/cornet player, this brought back many wonderful memories. Thanks.
Can’t get enough of the Cory Band? Here’s a link to the William Tell Overture. I play the flute, but I can admire outstanding brass! Thank you, Steve, for a smile today.
That was truly awesome. Such a fun thing to start a Friday.
Fabulous! This made my morning!
Thank you!
Thank you for this! It proves that you can take something old, reconsider it, transform it, and create beautiful, new art!
Wow! Brings back a lot of memories of high school band.
What fun!
Wow! Impressive!