Email can be a challenge during a busy day.
Do you have any hilarious examples you can share?
Watch the video and then forward it to all 4,000 people in your address book, but use an open cc when you do it. It will make everyone feel special.
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Hahahaha! Love the emoticon expressions. I think I’m going to use that on someone today.
I got an email that apologized for sending spam and said, “Sorry for the incontinence.”
Once I received a confidential contract — intended for someone else.
Hysterical! Thanks for sharing.
My personal favorite came from a parent a few years ago. I’d assigned students to write about the smoking ban enacted in our city. The mother apologized that the assignment on the “Smoking Band” was not available because the family dog had “drugged the paper” off the table and “runned off” with it.
You might also enjoy this one, triggered by a private email sent out to most of the teachers in the state of Kentucky by accident. Everyone kept replying to the whole group and it completely disrupted education for a couple days.