Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
I have to amen these replies! How God serenades his sons and daughters, holding them close. Thank you, this is tear-provoking.
Sister Georjean
Like King David with the harp held close to his heart!!! What a precious position for this baby… what a blessing for the Dad!!! thank you for sharing!!!
Fatherlove. Sweetest clip ever.
Love this!
Very nice!
Really nice. Never thought of putting my children on the guitar when playing for them. Really cool idea. The sound and vibration would be wonderful.
Just beautiful!
How original. He loves his daughter a lot, I think. Thanks for the post.
A beautiful picture of how God loves each one of us. Did not Aslan sing the world into existence . . .
I have to amen these replies! How God serenades his sons and daughters, holding them close. Thank you, this is tear-provoking.
Like King David with the harp held close to his heart!!! What a precious position for this baby… what a blessing for the Dad!!! thank you for sharing!!!
Simply lovely.
Too cute for words!
Love it!
It brings tears to my eyes, There is nothing like a Fathers love. Be Blessed Bob and precious baby girl!