Tim Hawkins is a favorite comedian. This new video is no exception!
HT: Dan Balow (blame this one on Dan)
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Funny. Reminded me of how much I spent on coffee going through the Starbucks drive-thru on my way to work every day. Also reminded me how nice it is to be retired and drinking my own coffee while watching funny videos.
The changes in body piercings made me laugh. (Was that supposed to have a meaning?)
Hilarious! Kay, the piercings were just parodying the video this video is based on, which is a version of Sound of Silence by a band called Disturbed. The Disturbed video is actually pretty amazing.
Thanks Katie! Shows you how far removed I am from popular culture!
I don’t even know how to put it into words when you forget there’s windows in the establishment and have to check Google Maps for another Starbucks across the street…. I think I’m very happy with my own Hazelnut coffee brewed in my own kitchen. My wifi works all the time… (Thank you, Dan, for the recommended video!)
How funny! As someone who is allergic to coffee, I have only been to Starbucks once- for a cup of tea. Thanks for the enjoyable video. Fun Fridays is a highlight of my week!
Um, Dan, this was a little too weird for me. -Guess I’m one more person who’s removed from pop culture. -Although I do recall, from the dark recesses of my mind, the song “The Sound of Silence” from my college days when the sensible people were surrounded by hippies doing their thing.
Weren’t the original singers Simon and Garfunkel?
You’re right, Roberta. The metal band, Disturbed, recently covered Simon and Garfunkel’s song, reforming it into a solemn ballad, sung in a lower register. The original music video by Disturbed had over 400 million views, so a lot of people get the parody. I still haven’t watched the original video because I can’t stand the band – though I am a fan of much progressive metal without the manufactured “metal persona,” like the instrumental progressive jazz/metal band Arch Echo. A lot of great music out there! Fun to see people make nods to great music of the past. Simon and Garfunkel was amazing.
This was truly funny. I hate Starbucks by the way. They take perfectly good beans and burn them. On purpose. Also they hate the military, for awhile, spit into Trump coffee, and I bet if you said you were going to a Bible study, you’d get a dirty look. AND they support abortion. Granted I know people are addicted to this, but, please. Find something else, maybe rehab. 😉
Okay, so I live in a town where Dutch Brothers was created and now taking over. Seriously, we have one Starbucks. Everyone else is loyal to the brothers who created this coffee (they also go by The Dutch Mafia). They do not talk politics. Ever.
But I digress. I would never touch a Starbucks again for taste and stand on issues that are important to me. I also left Dutch Brothers only because I won’t even waist, er, waste money on a coffee.
Loved the video I couldn’t stop laughing especially over the ‘piercings.’ I can see it in my head, this stampede happening. Thank you this was hi-larious!