Enjoy the delightful storytelling of Andy Andrews.
Afterward? Impress your friends with your own versions.
The lesson here? There are many ways to sing a tale, but only one is the way the author intended. But it’s still okay to laugh.
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Oh dear! Great singing…and funny, funny man. I wonder if some of the other “versions” of our “favorite hymns” came from people bored with the tunes??
I have been told that “Amazing Grace” can be sung to a multitude of tunes. How appropriate, since God’s amazing grace is for the multitudes.
I made my husband come into my office to listen to this one! Hilarious. We laughed hard! Being a preacher’s kid myself, I can just imagine the repercussions of what Andy did. My dad’s “favorite” verse to live out with all six of his kids was Psalm 32:8 good old King James Version, “I will guide thee with mine eye.” Many Sundays He would “guide” one of us from a place in the sanctuary where we sat with our friends over to wherever our mom sat after we’d “participated” in worship just a bit too much or had too many elbow-prodding moments! Not sure why parents thought church shouldn’t be at least a bit enjoyable! LOL!
It just goes to show you that God is versatile and can be seen and heard in many venues. Truly enjoyed it!
This will give me chuckles all day. As do many of Andy Andrews stories and books.
Thanks Steve for starting this Friday with a laugh.
I LOVE it!! lol
I LOVE that!
What a great way to get today’s chuckle. Thanks! This reminds me of my sisters son, the ornery one. While his mom was at the piano and he was on the platform supposed to be singing, he found an appreciative audience as he took off his vest and played peekaboo through the armhole.
Second Friday in a row I haven’t been able to participate in Fun Friday. Can’t get anything but error pop ups.
Likely you have an adblocker on your browser that prevents videos from playing.
Works on all systems all devices unless the user has something in place to prevent it.
Since we cannot see your error messages we really can’t provide tech support.
You can always do a search for Andy Andrews and Amazing Grace.
I love clean humor! This man did quiet well. It takes real talent to come up with material like that as apposed to cheap expletive or sexual satire. It would be interesting to see Andy’s whole message. Thanks for sharing! God bless you all!
Ha ha! So good. I’ve heard all of those versions, we do work at a camp after all, and love every one!