Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
Deer laying down in a small herd in a yard in Alpine, Texas (they roam freely through the neighborhoods there) responded the same way when I started singing Christmas carols to them…everybody’s a critic!
Yes, everybody’s a critic. Although I’m sure you’re already aware, you left the “r” off September. Like I told a pianist at church when he apologized for making a mistake, it made me feel better because I make lots of them. Our writer’s group critiques very well, but, when they missed the “a” in the sentence, “The woman with (a) gray hair,” It gave us all a laugh. I’m glad that book hadn’t been published yet! Sorry, I’m a born critic. but it’s all in fun.
I like to go down to the pond and sing since voice carries across water. Sometimes the frogs and birds join in. Makes me feel connected with nature. LOL. I usually sing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.”
If I bellowed out like this guy did, I’m sure it would send the birds to flight and force the frogs to jump in the pond.
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Deer laying down in a small herd in a yard in Alpine, Texas (they roam freely through the neighborhoods there) responded the same way when I started singing Christmas carols to them…everybody’s a critic!
He wasn’t that bad. If it had been polar bears, they would have come over gladly for a show before dinner.
Well, the good thing is I don’t sing. Maybe it sounded like a tornado siren to them.
Guess it sounded like impending doom.
Yes, everybody’s a critic. Although I’m sure you’re already aware, you left the “r” off September. Like I told a pianist at church when he apologized for making a mistake, it made me feel better because I make lots of them. Our writer’s group critiques very well, but, when they missed the “a” in the sentence, “The woman with (a) gray hair,” It gave us all a laugh. I’m glad that book hadn’t been published yet! Sorry, I’m a born critic. but it’s all in fun.
Maybe she’d been plucking the others as they showed up and one was all she had?
Looks like the penguins have good taste in music!
I like to go down to the pond and sing since voice carries across water. Sometimes the frogs and birds join in. Makes me feel connected with nature. LOL. I usually sing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.”
If I bellowed out like this guy did, I’m sure it would send the birds to flight and force the frogs to jump in the pond.