Every. Single. Action movie trailer in one short visual instruction kit.
While hilarious in it’s send up of cliches, it should make every author think of how they are pitching their current book to an agent or a publisher. This “formula” is a form of your competition for people’s attention.
That was just too funny. I love people with a great sense of humor.
Hilariously accurate! I was picturing several real trailers at once. (Including every superhero movie ever.) That last caption, though–I really did have to stop, go back, and pause just to see what it said!
Pretty much sums it up. Lol.
I love the BWAAAA!
I could use this as a prelude every morning, leading up the the feeding and walking of the Ridgeback Sisters, aka THEM!
They have all night to think of how they might defeat the leashes and he what holds them, and they are very original.
Cue the ominous metal beat…
“Not every problem has a solution.”
(Seriously, they’re the most people-friendly buffoons on the planet. It’s just that they’ve got the combined strength of King Kong and Godzilla, and the mental power of a hypothetical offspring of Ada Lovelace and Einstein.
Funny! I could just see Mr Tall-dark-and handsome [with big muscles, and probably holding a semi-automatic rifle] and Ms Leggy-blonde [wearing maybe black leather pants and a red halter top, and holding a Sig Sauer] leaping across the screen, quick clips of car chases, things exploding, Mr TDH and Ms LB [Leggy Blonde] peering around dark corners on a dark and stormy night…
Loved it
I’ll never be able to watch a movie trailer the same way again.
Exactly! Love the single notes at the beginning, building to the big classic cover. Every action movie trailer ever.
Annnddddd no matter how many times we see that formula, it’s still effective. Why do I want to see an action movie now?
The really good thing about this is that it is funny AND spot on for how to think about pitching to an agent. The really bad thing is that after we get the coveted invitation to submit a full proposal from said agent, we have guidelines to follow, and well–those guidelines don’t let us be NEARLY as exciting or dramatic or compelling or urgent or WOW! or even use the same content as this format does. I am cringing thinking about the proposal I submitted this week: compared to this (and maybe compared to my pitch that resulted in the invitation?) b..o..r..i..n..g. Agents are aware of this limitation, right? ;-D
This is great, Steve! So totally spot on! Do they have a model for the romantic comedy movies, too?
LOVED IT! I about spewed something (if I had been drinking something at the time, that is).
I can’t wait to watch this movie! Based on the trailer, it should be really great!
Now I want to watch this movie! The music! The voice overs! The action scenes I’m envisioning in my mind are incredible! I’d go see this flick in a heartbeat.