Writing to a formula is everywhere. Today’s video shows the creation of every Hollywood movie trailer without a single picture.
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Now everything is formulaic,
stirred in creative cooking pots.
Original’s become archaic
since the Bard wrote all the plots
that ever were or still can be
in pentameter iambic;
what you write comes from that tree,
but don’t be getting frantic,
because there’s really nothing bad
’bout living to a system;
just think of what we could have had
if in Eden they did listen
to God’s formula for life,
that dimwit Adam and his wife.
I’m glad I didn’t have a formula. I’m glad I didn’t have a target audience per se. I’m glad I wasn’t worried about times of day, etcetera. I wrote in prison. Wrote all day sometimes, some days not at all. I DID do plot, character, mucho-mucho research the old fashioned way, and all the basics—and then I had FUN! No computer to keep track of WPD and total. Yep, they may never be published but I hope my Heavenly Father likes ‘em. Te Deum.
That was fun! Thanks for sharing this…right now!
So funny–and spot on! I dabble a bit on the production side of things, and this is more true than I’d like it to be about some of the content I create. But I love Dwight’s take above–it’s more fun to be totally creative (and write for a Greater Glory!).
That was awesome!
Too funny. I love it.
The docs of spin
Will always win.
They trope the light fantastic.
…but going deep
In dreamless sleep
Requires the brain elastic.
So, here’s the scoop—
Untwist the loop
And vivify the plastic.
God’s breath revives
Our shopworn tries
Without the obvi drastic.
Nice, Karen
I’d totally go see that movie!
Kudos to Andrew and Marline, but the highest form of poetry is, of course, the Limerick:
There once was a formula writer
Whose work was like that of a blighter
So he worked hard all day
In his own individual way
And wrote something really much brighter
Sy, that’s made me belly laugh! Thank you.
I’ve been doing my own book trailers for a while now and, basically, that’s how it’s done. Although, my book trailers are shorter, and with only appropriate music as the background. It was fun to see how they outlined the trailer. Thanks, Steve.
I loved this! Edifying AND funny. I showed it to my husband (director of photography). He laughed, forwarded it to his crew. Thank you for making Friday fun! Now, if l could only see my own book plot that clearly…