Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
And my husband, Darlin’ Darrel, is all about carving the turkey. Or ham. Year round. If we’re visiting for the meal, the host always something like, “Darrel, would you be the carver? Ha, ha, ha.” Like it’s never been said before. That’s okay. Over the years, he has become an excellent carver. Thanksgiving is my favorite family holiday.
Cute post! Happy Thanksgiving everyone from Buffalo, NY! Yes it’s as bad as the photos!
Hilarious! Thanks for the chuckle. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
And my husband, Darlin’ Darrel, is all about carving the turkey. Or ham. Year round. If we’re visiting for the meal, the host always something like, “Darrel, would you be the carver? Ha, ha, ha.” Like it’s never been said before. That’s okay. Over the years, he has become an excellent carver. Thanksgiving is my favorite family holiday.
Wonderful! Love the original song and love this parody.
Hope you celebration is perfect, from the bottom to the top.