Steve Laube always inspires me, and I found special encouragement from his recent post on artificial intelligence. AI provided an inaccurate biography of him, so I wondered if I’d have the same experience.
I’m doing this field research, so you don’t have to!
Chat gpt
ChatGPT stands for “Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer”
Then it included a definition that sent me to a hyperlink to download Windows Chat GPT. It is an advanced language generation model developed by OpenAI that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to generate human-like text based on prompts, making it a powerful tool for chatbots, content creation, and more.
write my bio with chat gpt
Sure, I can help you with that. Please provide me with some information about yourself that you would like me to include in your bio.
married, author of over 30 books and novellas
Here’s a bio I came up with based on the information you provided:
“User is a married author who has written over 30 books and novellas. Their work spans across various genres and has been well-received by readers and critics alike.”
How does that sound? Is there anything else you would like me to add?
Well, I didn’t write across various genres, but I’m flattered that AI says that my work has been “well-received by readers and critics alike.”
married, mother of two daughters, author of over 30 books and novellas, literary agent for The Steve Laube Literary Agency, enjoys reading and cooking
Here’s an updated bio based on the information you provided:
“User is a married mother of two daughters and an author who has written over 30 books and novellas. She is also a literary agent for The Steve Laube Literary Agency. In her free time, she enjoys reading and cooking.”
How does that sound? Is there anything else you would like me to add?
Well, it doesn’t sound as good since you stopped flattering me, AI.
Thank you for letting me know. I can add that to your bio. Here’s an updated version:
“User is a married mother of two daughters and an author who has written over 30 books and novellas. She is also a literary agent for The Steve Laube Literary Agency. In her free time, she enjoys reading and cooking. She is also a Christian.”
How does that sound? Is there anything else you would like me to add?
I pressed the tab for a question AI suggested: Can you tell me more about her faith?
I’m not sure about the specifics of her faith, but generally speaking, Christian faith is based on the belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God and savior of humanity. It is a monotheistic religion that emphasizes the importance of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Christians believe that by following the teachings of Jesus Christ and living a life of faith and service, they can achieve eternal life in heaven after death12.
Is there anything else you would like me to add?
(This response included pictures portraying “compassion” and other favorable adjectives. Could it be I’m talking to a Christian version of AI?)
tell me more about user’s books
User is an author who has written over 30 books and novellas. Unfortunately, I don’t have any information about the specific genres or titles of her books. However, I can tell you that she is also a literary agent for The Steve Laube Literary Agency.
Is there anything else you would like me to add?
write a biography for Tamela Hancock Murray
Tamela Hancock Murray is a literary agent with The Steve Laube Agency and has been a literary agent since 2001. She is also a bestselling author of over thirty novels, novellas, and nonfiction books and has won an RWA Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award. She graduated with honors in Journalism from Lynchburg College in Virginia.
Is there anything else you would like me to add?
Clearly, AI does a search and writes a biography using the most frequent facts and links listed on the Internet. The bio included hyperlinks to show where AI got the information.
Suggested question from AI:
What are some of Tamela Hancock Murray’s popular books?
In fairness, I haven’t written a book in years, so AI took some time to search for this. Then this is what it came up with:
I’m sorry but I don’t have any information about the specific genres or titles of Tamela Hancock Murray’s books. However, you can find a list of her books on Goodreads and FictionDB.
AI offered me a couple more questions, but hinted that it’s time for me to give up by adding the suggestion below as a third option. Does this mean AI gets tired and bored? Or does it think I’m now tired and bored?
Show me some recipes
Sure! What type of recipe are you looking for? Any specific cuisine or ingredient?
That reminds me – it’s time for lunch!
P.S. I had planned to end my post with the line above, but literally five minutes later, I decided to try the bio question with new credentials under new topic. This time, AI took a different approach:
write my bio for me author, wife, Christian
Sure! Here’s an example of an author bio that you can use as a template:
“[Your name] is an author, wife, and Christian. She has written [number] books in the [genre] genre. Her latest book is [book title]. She is passionate about [topic] and loves to share her knowledge with others. When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and volunteering at her church.”
You can customize this template by filling in the blanks with your own information. Remember to keep it concise and engaging, without being too boastful or boring. The ideal length of an author bio is between 60 and 90 words.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Fascinating that the feedback went from writing the biography to sending instructions. Of course, AI will just say it’s getting smarter as it learns. Or is it more like, scarier? What do you think?
It’s AI this and AI that,
AI will drive the train,
and after it lets out the cat,
AI will eat your brain.
AI will play all of the songs
that you will learn to tolerate,
and though they will be slightly wrong
AI reviews will deem them great
in a spinning circle of approval,
echo chamber of the New
that one day calls for your removal
for humanity cannot be true
to a digitized tomorrow
‘gainst which the soul must never borrow.
AI’s auto-prompt ideas
Often leave me close to tears.
Stop suggesting “perfect” words.
Stop supplying lame adverbs.
(Yes, I know that didn’t rhyme.
But give me humans every time.)
Even penning this, I fight
for each “surprising” word I write!
Asimov his onions knew,
Let’s heed his warnings now anew.
Yes, Andrew. I am disgusted at the recent invasion of AI. What ever happened to thinking for ourselves?
Very interesting experiment, especially about the definition of Christian beliefs. AI didn’t get it quite right, right? Left out how Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, rose again, ascended to Heaven, sent us the Holy Spirit. Just minor little details that AI needs to add. 😊
I haven’t yet delved into the AI world to test prompts but I’ve read many articles about it. You are the first to note what ChatGPT stands for, at least as far as I remember. 😀.
The results are interesting. Maybe one of these days I’ll find the time to test it myself.
Here’s my concern: for Christian authors who rely on AI, Where does the role of the Holy Spirit come in? I have no illusions the books I’ve written have come from my gift alone.
So who can I count on for guidance, encouragement, and revelation I’d never achieve on my own?
Countless hours at the keyboard convince me of His presence and influence. I cannot envision an “artificial” partner able to replicate that essential place in my work.
Thank you for the very interesting read, Tamela. The various colleges where I teach are on top of AI. One of my friends at one of the institutions said his students could use AI for a major project, provided they researched all of the sources that AI used in the paper, and evaluated how the sources were utilized. Some of the students took him up on it, only to find that some of the sources did not exist and others were, like your bio, not entirely accurate. The students said that searching for the sources, which they had to print out and show him, was more work that merely doing the work themselves. I think writing one’s own bio, as you showed us, is much easier than all the back and forth between AI and the writer who isn’t writing!
AI is scary, and it’s a sad commentary on our society that we’re even talking about AI being used to write term papers, sermons, books, etc. That said, Tamela, your piece was interesting, enlightening, and funny!
The jury is still out for me on the subject of AI. I had the opportunity at our last ACFW Memphis meeting to offer a tidbit of information about one of my characters to the AI conversation. The info and background AI provided had some thought-provoking ideas for my character development. I can see where it might be beneficial as long as we don’t become dependent on it.
Why do we bother with AI? As creative writers, is not composing something as simple as a bio supposed to come from our own intelligence? I do much research on my own for historicals but I’ve heard AI can “do that research for you.” Do I want them to? Do I trust them? No, I don’t. I asked my military son, a Commander in the Navy, what he thought of AI. His answer? “Terrifying.” I think we all should be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
Thankfully, our God is on the throne and nothing takes Him by surprise! “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. ” ~2 Tim 1:7
So true, Kelly. What terrifies me is the level of trust others will put into AI. I hope their eyes are open.
AI, Albert Instein
I think as far as your bio goes, I could’ve written better and faster. LOL! Thanks for showing us how the process works. I’ve been curious just because it’s in the news so much!
Very interesting! Yesterday I asked AI to help make my back cover copy sound more southern, and AI went a little overboard. It was funny to read.
Wow. AI is scary! It’s so close to the truth, but not quite on target. Example: what it defined as a Christian – we don’t “earn” our way to eternal life. It’s kind of like the devil masquerading as an angel of light. So close, and yet not.
And the template it gave for writing a bio is great for those who don’t know where to start, but it sounds so ‘template-ish’ if that is a word! I agree with other commenters that we can do better and faster!