How to Ruin a Book Title with One Word
Evidently, I am a fan of puns. I came across a fun exercise that played at changing one word or adding one word to a well-known title–and made it something quite different. I’ll start with some general-market titles and then shift to those found in the Christian market.
Be sure to add your creative efforts in the comments below.
To Cook a Mockingbird
The Whining
Lord of the Fries
Furious George
If You Give Your Spouse a Cookie
90 Minutes in TSA
The Great Divorce Lawyer
Bad Girls of the Bible College
God Gave Us Glue
The Purse-Driven Life
Girl, Iron Your Face
In His Dubsteps
The Radio Shack
Rich Christians in the Age of Hunger Games
The Briefcase for Christ
The Meaning of Marwidge
The Pursuit of Odd
The Acts of the Apostates
I Kissed Carbon Dating Goodbye
Your Best Burp Now
Heaven Is for Real Housewives
Bored of the Rings
The Totaled Woman
That took a lot of work, but I rate it two-thirds if a pun: pu.
What fun. Here are a few:
Car Wars
Avengers: End Fame
Hairy Putter
Good one, Diane. LOL
The Christmas Candle by Wax Lucado. BTW, Bored of the Rings was a great 1969 Harvard Lampoon spoof book. Recommended if you’re a Dune fan.
My favorite book as a child was Go Dog Go. So with due honor to our Lord, I offer “Go God Go.”
Clearly not enough coffee this morning (“edit before post, edit before post”). Bored of the Rings was a great 1969 Harvard Lampoon spoof book. They also wrote Doon. Recommended if you’re a Dune fan.
Yes . . .Coffee . . . good 🙂
Anne of Green Fables
Jane Nay
The Telltale Mart
Oliver Kissed
The Problem with Spain ( Lewis)
Jesus Among Other Cods ( Zacharias)
One Thousand Drips (Voscamp)
The Wingnut Saga (Peterson)
This was fun!
These are fabulous. Honestly, some of them sound as interesting or more than the original. Furious George and Bad Girls of the Bible College are my favorites.
A few to add:
Redeeming Shove
Love Hums Softly (I mean, really, how annoying)
This Peasant Darkness
The Pilgrim’s Progress Report
This really got me thinking that words do have consequences, perhaps today’s blog post should deal with words!
In any case, having had about 1 tenth of my daily allotment of coffee here are some of those that I came up with:
The 3 Mouseketeers
The Man in the Iron Lung
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 500
Lester Miserables
The Count of Monte Crisco (a nod to Shawshank)
War and Pieces
The Brothers Carry Me Off
The Lion, the Bi— Oh, wait, maybe better to leave that one out
We could move into music:
I Wanna Hold Your Spleen
Folsom Lake Blues
Eleanor Rugby
For the baby boomer generation, Neal Sedaka rewrote is 50s hit:
Getting Up Is Hard To Do
Lord willing, full lyrics of that last one will be found here later today:
See, shoulda waited until I had at least a third of my coffee . . . that’s Neil Sedaka
I stand in shame. Switching to water. And a tip o’ the hat to Jinxie – Five Easy Meeces.
I bet the one about Rich Christians in an age of Hunger Games would be topical and would potentially sell.
Those are great, Steve. I especially like “To Cook a Mockingbird” and “Lord of the Fries.” But the best one of all is “Bored of the Rings.” I’ll have to see if I can find a copy of that. One of my all-time favorite reads is Lord of the Rings.
How about :
Withering Heights
A Tale of Two Countries
Charlotte’s Webinar
The Lion, the Witch, and the Warlock
Pride and Pompous
Hmmm…I’ll have to think about those. LOL
We do this on Twitter sometimes and one of my humor groups on Facebook does it with books, movies, and music. It’s so much fun.
Part of my personal story is having a mental illness. I’m manic-depressive and I call my mood swings “Monkey Brain.” I have, I kid you not, named my monkey “Furious George.” I read that book title and LOL’d.
“Your Best Burp Now” reminded me of when one of my video producers and I would drive home from a shoot loaded up on soda and have a belching contest. (He always won.)
The Devil Wears Blue Dresses
The Housing Project at Pooh Corner
Where the Sidewalk Bends
Watership Goose Down
The Pelican Briefcase
Paradise Lost in Translation
A Good Plan is Hard to Find
Oliver Twist and Shout
Thanks for sharing. It’s a great exercise for me when my brain is mush from staring at the screen too long. Play is *always* a good way to refresh our souls.
Where the Raw Dads Sing
It Happened One Bite
The Fountain Between Us
Edge of Eternity Past
Misinformed: a Memoir
Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Maven”
The Duck Tape Letters
Hind Feet in Dry Places
The Great Gabber
Turn of the Ewe
Low Expectations
Alice’s Adventures in Dollywood
Through the Tinted Glass
Arsenic in Old Lakes
and, for a new release, The Splendid and the Bile
Gone with the Wine
Hilarious, and quite witty too. Never could have come up with something like that, oh wait…
The articles of Narnia: the loin, the watch and the war robe.