To your left is an actual picture of the pile of proposals our office has received since December 1, 2009. About 30 days worth of incoming mail…during a slow time of the year. The stack of books next to the pile include books sent for review (consideration) and recent publications that I want to look at.
That does not include the myriad of email submissions we get (many simply ignoring our guidelines regarding email submissions)…inquiries from those who use the contact form on our web site (many of those ignoring the request to “Please do not copy and paste your entire manuscript into this form.“)
Or the poor soul that failed to proofread their email before sending this sentence, “I would like to send you my quarry letter….”
Nor does it include those that do an Internet search and call us. Recently we got a call that went somethingย like this:
Agency: This is the Steve Laube Agency…
Caller: What kind of agency are you?
Agency: We are a literary agency.
Caller: What does that mean?
Agency: It means we represent books to publishers on behalf of our clients and manage our client’s careers.
Caller: Oh good. I do comic strips…and they are really unique…ย [caller’s voice gets faster and louder as they talk]
Agency: Well, we don’t represent artists or comic strip artists.
Caller: But I’m a philosopher too! ….. [further explanation followed]
Agency: Well, we [caller interrupts]
Caller: And I’m also a musician with over 500 songs to my credit.
Agency: Unfortunately we do not represent musicians at this time.
Caller: But I was named Rock musician of the year…
Agency: We’re sorry but it does not appear that our agency would be a good fit for you.
Caller: You want to listen to my stuff for free on Myspace?
Agency: I don’t see how that would be a good use of our time.
Caller: Someday someone will discover it and make millions.
Agency: We wish you the best in all your endeavors…
The day before, the office received a call from an aspiring author who was a psychic who had an “amazing” personal story to tell…oh, and by the way, they also have two novels done and five children’s books ready and waiting.
Meanwhile I look at my to-do list compiled last weekend in preparation for hitting the ground running on Monday January 4th:
- We are waiting for final contract paperwork on four new book deals.
- We have three authors whose proposals will get thumbs up or thumbs down at a pub board in the next week or two.
- We are waiting for proposals from fifteen clients (all in development over the last couple months).
- We need to have “career counsel” conversations with at least ten other clients. (All very different in scope and intensity.)
- We need to make the “do we represent?” decision on five successful and published authors who have approached us and the same decision on at least a half dozen excellent unpublished authors whose full manuscripts have been reviewed and now sit on the floor near my desk…staring at me (they are not in the picture above).
And that was just the to-do list and does not include the review of cover designs and marketing plans for forthcoming titles. Nor does it include the contracted clients who are wrangling with their editors over any number of issues (everything from copy edit/grammar questions to editors not returning a phone call). Don’t get me wrong! I’m not complaining. In fact this is quite an exciting time. But this post is for those who wonder why agents take so long to make representation decisions. I’ve written about rejection before and no agent takes the process lightly. But a little understanding and self education would make every writer’s experience while approaching an agent a little more tolerable.
I fully expect that at least 90% of that stack pictured above isn’t ready yet. It doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Only that it isn’t ready. The competition is fierce and a little extra effort to learn the industry (read Rachelle Gardner’s and Chip MacGregor’s blogs), learn the craft by going to a good writers conference in 2010, and realize this is a marathon, not a sprint.
Great blog, Steve! I think it’s important for potential clients to know what to expect when they send you a proposal. If they realize the process, follow it carefully, and wait patiently, then they’ll get an answer. Hopefully, it’s the answer they want. I remember that I had 23 rejections before getting a thumbs up from two different publishers–and that’s how I met YOU at Bethany House! If I had stopped at 20 rejections, I would not be the much published yet surprisingly mediocre author that I am!
You’ve been my agent for over four years, and I still don’t know how you manage to do the amazing job you do. I just know whenever I have a “brilliant” story idea, a silly concern, or I’m in need of serious advice you’re always there . . . and sometimes while there you even pick up the phone and answer my call.
๐ I couldn’t resist teasing, but I am totally serious concerning everything I wrote BEFORE the ellipsis!!
Great blog. It is sometimes difficult to convey the sense of avalanche that can characterize publishing. Thanks for your work in the industry, your dedication to speaking the truth (even when it hurts) and your work for your clients.
Looking forward to continuing to work with you this year. Hope 2010 is one of your best!
Must say, I really enjoy reading your blogs!I see what looks like my express-mail box for my manuscript you asked to review. So I guess I am a little disappointed that it’s not in that pile near your desk staring at you ๐ Or maybe, (I can only hope) its still waiting to be reviewed.
Either way, I think you are the best agent out there and I’m sure those you represent would agree!
“There, right there, toward the top…see it? My query/proposal waits in the stack. ‘Sigh of satisfaction’ I made it. The first goal of the New Year reached: Send query to Steve Laube (and follow his guidelines.)
Thanks for a very helpful blog post on the reality of the journey of a proposal. What I read didn’t discourage me, as the respect you conveyed toward those sending in a query came through. Will I be happy with a rejection, if that is my results? Of course not, no one wants to be told no. The reality is that I have no chance for the desired ‘yes’ without the exposure to a ‘no’. I just appreciate the opportunity to submit.
Blessings on a successful year of helping others reach their dreams,
A J Hawke
There’s something about seeing that stack instead of hearing about it that drives your point home.
By the way, Steve’s talk “Redeeming Rejection” is the best I’ve heard on pushing through the wall on your way to finishing that marathon. Well worth listening to.
It sounds like an exciting but intense time for your agency. I just have to say I’m incredibly grateful for blogs like yous and the others that were mentioned in this post. Without your advice and insight into the industry, some of us writers would still be struggling to write the best query we can or submit the right kind of proposal. It surprises me that with all the advice out there, writers are still not following guidelines. I hope this post reaches some of them because there are some great stories out there to be found.
My goodness, Steve, that stack of proposals and the workload you average daily is absolutely staggering. Wow!!! My head is spinning just thinking about it.
Wow. Love the visual. Quite sobering. And the phone call cracked me up. I have to say, I have a lot more sympathy and understanding now that I have to wade through submissions and decisions and e-mails, too:-)
It’s a good thing you love to do it!
I decided to stop by your blog after Rachelle tweeted about today’s post. Thanks for sharing your “day in the life…” — it’s always informative to see the business from an agent’s perspective.
Wow. If you were looking to garner sympathy from the people who wonder “Why hasn’t he responded already?” I think you’ve succeeded. Now I’m more appreciative than ever of the responsiveness of my own agent.
Thanks for what all of you do to further the careers of writers at every stage of development. You’re an indispensable part of the process.
Dear Mr. Lobby:
I am contacting you because someone said you’re not doing much write now and can give me the time I deserve. I have writtun a novel that is:
1. Better than anything John Grishum has done
2. Is exactly what God TOLD me to write
3. Loved by all my friends
4. Like nothing else out there
It’s about a philosopher rock musician who decides he wants to do comic strips, then he falls down a gopher hole and ends up in another world–just like one of his comics! And he can’t get out but he so wants to because he realizes it’s a terrible comic strip and an even terribler world.
The manuscript is atached to this email. My mom (an avid reader) says it’s worth at least a $50,000 advance. Please call when you get offers. I’m home all week.
Ok, that makes me feel better – that my manuscript is languishing on an agent’s floor with many others. Back to the novel in progress……
Eye wont to reed Brandalin’s book!!!!!!! Sounds GRATE!!!!!!
Very informative post. These last 2 comments crack me up!
-Alisa Hope
Great post, Steve, as always. Your photo makes your point so much better than words could. Still, I look at that pile and feel oddly encouraged. That must put me in the company of your comic strip/philosopher/rock musician caller.
After reading your post for some time, one thing I’m sure of. Each of those proposals in that stack will get a fair hearing. Even though mine is not in the pile, God bless you for that.
Just sent my proposal to you. Mine should be in that pile in 2 – 3 business days. Happy reading!
Mr Laube, I do appreciate your visual dose of reality that hit me somewhere on the level of electro-shock therapy. For those of us who are budding new authors, the clarity of winning approval for our writing(s) can be a daunting revelation. Since I have successfully accomplished a half marathon in the grueling Florida heat, and did not end up having to ride the golf cart back to the finish line; I do appreciate your illustration of the importance of patience and perseverance. Your blog is a great reminder of “one step at a time”, and “line upon line”. Just like crossing that finish line a year ago, I hope to catch a glimpse of my priority envelope in your “stack” someday. Could you please include a “current stack” pic in your Blog each month for tracking purposes? ๐ Thank you for what you do!
Oh, my. What a stack! I do hope you have a great helper–or several–to assist you in paring this down. Your postman also deserves bonus points ๐
I’ve seen google photos of slush piles. This is quite daunting for an aspiring writer.
That is the point of the exercise. It is better to know what you are up against than to get ambushed later. The analogy would be going to a pickup basketball game at the park and not know that the other team is made up of former NBA players. Better that you know in advance so can plan your strategy and maybe practice a little more before playing the game. All analogies break down, but I think the point is made.
We post these photos and write these blogs in an effort to educate as well as inspire writers, both veterans and aspiring.
Very much enjoyed the transcript. ๐
Great visual, Steve! My appreciation for the work you and other agents do has increased exponentially (though that box on the very bottom looks suspiciously familiar…).
Love the transcript, too. I appreciate your restraint, especially when I think of how it steals time from those who actually follow the guidelines. Personally, I’d be tempted to set up an endless voice mail loop narrated by a Pakistani named Bob who’d promise to get back to them after making them press every number on their phone to get through (not that I have anything against Pakistanis!)
I decided to stop by your blog after Rachelle tweeted about today’s post. Thanks for sharing your “day in the life…” — it’s always informative to see the business from an agent’s perspective.
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I don’t know if you’ll see my comment, Steve, but I wanted to thank you for this post. It helps me to understand a little bit of all you have to get done (that pile of proposals…my goodness it’s a good thing you like to read!), and it helps me as I prayerfully wait. I actually feel a little guilty about “waiting” while you are probably swamped again this year!
God bless you as you continue to serve Him.