‘Tis the season in the U.S. to celebrate Thanksgiving and to take a moment to be thankful.
Today I would like to thank you. To thank those of you who read our blog regularly either via an email subscription or RSS feed or visiting the site.
I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading what we write. Ask any of us, and we will tell you the hours we spend in creating these posts and the discussions we have about what topics to tackle. But without you, the effort would be for naught.
Therefore, I want to sincerely and officially thank you for the time you have given to us each week.
Now, go and do likewise to someone else. Gratefulness is becoming a lost art. Take a moment to bless someone who is not expecting it because it can bring a small measure of joy in a world gone mad.
As William Arthur Ward wrote, “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joys, and change opportunities into blessings.”
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).
Thank you, Steve and all the members of your team, for the wisdom you so generously share. What I’ve read here over the years has made me a better and wiser writer. May God bless you all as you’ve blessed us!
Gratitude’s a dying art,
as you’ve so truly said.
To bring it back, at least a start,
needs thinking some ahead
beyond the spoken Thank You,
beyond the handshake and the smile;
what are you then gonna do
to make it all worthwhile,
to use thankee’s example
as a spur to change your life?
Here’s a small example,
one to do with my dear wife:
she accepts but hates my bushy beard,
so in gratitude I shall be sheared.
But the Fu Manchu stays. There are limits.
I and I am sure many others here give thanks for your poetry, wisdom, humor and above all, your courage. We thank God for your life and your talent, and we thank you for the joy your words provide us with. May God keep you, now and forever more.
Sy, tears of gratitude here. I’m so honoured.
“In” and “for” everything give thanks. Your blog has provided much light for my literary aspirations. Your team MUST be very busy, yet have stepped into a gap that has served (and entertained us. The Lord daily loadeth me/us with benefits!
Ad Dei glorium !
Huge thanks to you and all those who work at the agency! You pour so much time and effort into writers and it doesn’t go unnoticed. May God bless you in return for all you do. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for your blog posts. I don’t always comment, but I always appreciate them!
What the others said! Thank you. Your efforts are not in vain and are much appreciated.
Your encouragement has served to help calm the seas of this writing newbie. God tossed me into the waters of the publishing world where I have been met by grace, tenderness, and love. Words do matter. Thank you for yours.
“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” Johannes A. Gaertner
Thank you for all you’ve done for us in the world of publishing … for your leadership, innovation and constant encouragement and perseverance. I appreciate all you!
I have been thanking God for the Steve Laube Agency, just about every day for the past 6 years, ever since Dan Balow answered my query with “send me more”. Who woulda thunk it? Now, three books later, I still tune in to the wise experience of the writers of this blog, and still learn something every day (not excluding Fun Fridays). Thank you all for all you do for all of us.
And we sincerely thank you, Steve, and all your helpers there at your agency for the wise advice you’ve given us through the years.
I’m thankful for the time and commitment you put in your authors, the readers, and the writing community! May your efforts continue to be fruitful, and may you find joy in the impact of the stories you help share. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Like so many others, I’m thankful for your posts, and for all you do to keep excellent books available.
I know everyone is saying this, but thank you too. This website has been such an encouragement to me!
Have a blessed thanksgiving, everyone!
Gratitude is the antidote to negative thinking- an attitude of gratitude.
May the blessings of the Lord be upon all.
Lead with Love!
Thank you! Your blog is one of the highlights of my day.
I’m thankful for you. The entire Christian publishing industry wouldn’t be as good without you. You’ve inspired me here, and at conferences.
I appreciate reading the various perspectives, areas of expertise, and diversity in each Blog Post.