There are times when you feel like you’ve hit a wall. Not writer’s block per se, but feeling like you’ve run out of juice. Burned out maybe?
I suggest you first check your health. Are you sleeping enough? Has there been an abnormal amount of stress recently? Have you changed dosages or added a new medication or changed your diet? I know of one writer who had multiple novels published only to find she suddenly could no longer write. It took her years to figure out it was a change in her medication that caused the problem. Once the balance was restored, she was back on track.
Another might sarcastically suggest sticking your fork in an electric socket. (DO NOT do that.)
Instead, enjoy the short, two-minute video below.
I particularly liked #18 and #25.
Which ones work for you? Do you have any you would add?
I definitely need coffee this morning. My workspace needs some serious tending to as well. I’ll start with those two in that order.
Enjoyed this–thanks!
I’ll add one: have a long talk with God (and listen more than talk).
Good morning, Steve, and welcome to autumn. That in itself is for me an inspiring time. Something about the quieting down/death of nature’s going into dormancy makes me come more alive.
I’m with Bryan Mitchell, in needing to tidy my workplace.
Count your blessings (18) and don’t try to be someone else’s “perfect” (25) are daily reminders I should install in my soul. The implication of 25 extends to the writing workplace: improving myself as a writer takes time and effort, hiring a competent content editor requires less. In following a trend, we guarantee we’ll be behind the curve in two years at publication, so finding my own clear voice becomes critical.
There are no shortcuts here. Thanks, brother.
The way that writing works for me
is that it don’t come from within;
I’ve learned that creativity
is diligence’s closest kin.
I take as thesis for my poems
what someone else was blogged,
so it’s not ‘where mind roams’;
mind goes where it is flogged.
Every comment has to fit
a meter and rhyme-scheme;
and fourteen lines, that’s all I git
to give word-wings unto dream.
Yeah, it’s hard work, one supposes
but no-one promised a bed of roses.
Several of these are spot-on for me at this time in my writing journey. I might add “Don’t let rejections bog you down.” These are all great ways to stay creative. Thanks for sharing.
Your comment about “check your health” is major, at least if you’re past 40 and continually “pushing through” exhaustion only makes things worse–and sometimes, a lot worse. Getting older has some real perks. You find that quoting “I can do all things through Christ” through gritted teeth and barreling on through isn’t the answer. Pasting a Bible verse on behavior doesn’t save us from consequences. Maybe that’s how everyone learns to “hang on the Vine” finally. This sounds so “spiritual” when I am actually a very practical person, but having to slow down and follow the Good Shepherd instead of running out ahead of Him is such a time and energy and health saver! Yes, check your health!
Good word, thank you.
For me, it was #18 and #26 Mr. Steve. Thanks for the inspiration sir. I think we all have times when “The squid runs out of ink.” Nice to see new ways to get a refill.
The vid was well done – clean, crisp, and to the point. Thank you
Steve- LOVED the 29 ways…Would add PRAY and WORSHIP the Lord, and find a scripture to paint, draw or write in a creative way. I have a watercolor journal that is my get away and refresher…Also, on your trip take a camera and photograph beautiful things that inspire you.
Love your posts
Cleaning off my work space ranks pretty high on the list for me right now.
As a kid I used to read the encyclopedia on long summer days when there was nothing to do. That sparked some creativity. It also made me the trivia queen, and caused people to think II was smarter than I really was.
Dirty drats, vimeo wouldn’t open.
However, I agree with the above except those numbered because I’ve no idea what they are. Ha!
Rest. Sleep. Exercise. And rest from writing to reading to not burn out. Spending time in the Bible, prayer, praise. Reading/writing non-fiction and working on small projects. Having a deadline. Praying a lot about what I write, how to glorify God with my words.
Creativity is a gift from the Lord. Without His leading, writing is futile. My words will fall flat and mean nothing.
So, some of those may or may not fit with the vimeo but
Two other ways to stay creative:
1. Go to an event you have never attended before. ie UFO Conference
2. Go spend a week-end in the place you plan to use as your next setting!
The presentation itself was creative. Thanks.
Steve, I’m a notebook gal from way back….that was my favorite idea. I like to people-watch, as well, observing things they do and then making up a short story about them and their day….free writing, I guess?