Back in the day, in Melbourne, Australia, was a bookseller named E.W. Cole. Today’s video is a glimpse into that wonderful bookshop.
I want that second floor full of bookshelves to be in my office!
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To wander through the laden shelves
that surround with magic things,
dragons, wizards, monsters, elves,
captains, slaves and kings!
A leaning stranger with a book
you see shares a congruent view,
a perfect conversation-hook,
“I really like that author too!”
A bookstore’s an enchanted place,
potential reaching to the skies
and soaring outward into space,
infinity for hearts and eyes,
so never, Lord, let them be gone;
these graces aren’t on Amazon.
Oh for a return to days of yore
When books held court,, no one was poor,
And empty minds and weary souls
Could be refreshed at E.W. Coles.
Bravo, Julie!
“…no one was poor”
How apt, Julie. Books are a refuge, a window onto the world.
What a fascinating man Mr. Coles must have been. Wouldn’t you like to sit down with him and a cup of tea and chat? Although in the mess, I’d be afraid to set my cup down lest I knock a pile over!
The glass roof over the arcade is still extant, which is kind of cool.
“I love Cole’s explanation of the coins as “Little Missionaries of Educative Knowledge.” It is such a poignant reminder of the importance of books to the learning process!” Thank you.