You’ve heard or read the adage “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten,” right? Or something similar.
So, here you are, in a brand spanking new year: 2024. Can you believe it?
With the dawn of the new year, then, let me ask: In your writing, what will you do differently in 2024? Put another way: What will you do more or differently than what you’ve always done?
Will you finally give your platform the attention it needs?
Will you move on from that pet project you’ve spent years trying to land with a publisher?
Will you join a critique group?
Read 100 books in your genre?
Engage a writing coach?
Learn how to use Word’s track changes?
Write so many words a day/week/month?
Start blogging?
Stop blogging?
Something else?
Even if you choose only one thing to do differently in your writing this year, it could have a cumulative effect. (“Consider how small a spark sets a great forest ablaze,” as the biblical writer said. … And, yes, I know he was talking about the tongue; but the principle applies here too.) Or, as James Clear says in the bestselling Atomic Habits, “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.”
So, what’s it going to be? Please share in the comments, and let’s be encouraged and inspired by one another.
This year I’ll quit the poetry,
go back to writing prose,
for it is a certainty
that Balenciaga clothes
will remain far from my reach
’cause poetry don’t sell,
and I’ll remain stick on the beach
of fashion-label hell.
But the Bard’s ghost rises now,
a-dread in this still night,
and in tomb-dust voice allows as how
he’ll give me such a lasting fright
if I quit that my great-great grandad’ll
be scared into polyester plaid.
NO!! Not polyester!!!! 😀
Goodness, I see it’s making a comeback. *shudder* I can’t stand the look or feel, and I grew up in the 70’s! hahaha!
*Out of the Night*
Not every swell can handle well the rapier of rhyme.
Their scansion’s bad,
Their limericks, sad—
Their meter, out of time.
Their all in all is but a scrawl,
No wit or zing,
The kind of thing
That’s at your beck and call.
Your poetry’s a foil, you see.
You lunge and pierce the dark
More deep than prose—
En garde, our foes!
This Zorro leaves his mark!
Andrew, if you quit the poetry, we will all be bereft.
True words, Bob!
No, Andrew, you can’t quit poetry! I love reading your lyrical comments as much as I do the posts themselves.
I’m going to learn how to self-publish my novel that’s gone out of print.
I also need to decide if I’m going to try a traditional publisher for a new chapter book series for kids ages 7-11 or do it myself.
I’m hoping to attend Blue Ridge. Been wanting to do that for years!
Happy 2024!
This year, I want to build my author platform, rewatch several courses from the Christian Writers Institute, and finish the books and stories I started last year. But before all that, my goal is to put God first in all of my creative endeavors. Good luck with your goals, everyone!
Yes! “…put God first in all of my creative endeavors.”
Thanks, Joseph!
I’m throwing in the towel this year in traditional publishing, mainly because I’m spending faaaaar too much time trying to crack the code of “reader expectations” and losing my voice in the process. So rather than spend hours and hours learning to save the cat in order to get published, I’m going to devote my energy and effort toward writing the best book I possibly can, being true to my convictions, calling, and passions, reading great books, and developing deeper relationships with fellow authors. Of necessity, that means I will also be learning to independently publish well this year. 🤩
Read 100 books in my genre.
How about you, Bob?
What will you do differently in 2024?
You haven’t told us yet. 🙂
None of your beeswax!
Just kidding, Ginny. I’m trying a few “new things” this year. I’ve selected a couple online courses I’m taking, doing something a teensy bit different in my spiritual health goals (in addition to reading through a different–and OLD–translation of the New Testament, by Edgar Goodspeed, that’s been on my shelf forever, I’m adding an evening devotional text), and trying to achieve a more measured, ordered way of being at writers conferences (instead of my default exhausting every-minute-booked schedule). Thanks for asking.
i have been blessed to have six books traditionally published in 10 years. All non-fiction. I’ve been a certified writing coach for 8 of those years.
But the thorn in my side is a novel now in its 5th year of mocking me. Poking me. Infuriating me. I’ve tried to abandon the bugger. But the Lord has made it clear: “Finish what we started, daughter.”
So, I’ve hired a gifted and highly respected writing coach. We’ve just begun. I was the coach who didn’t think I needed a coach. Foolish.
Bob, I attended one of your workshops a couple of years ago. I was, during that time, trying to write “from my wounds.” After reading your article on the subject “Write From Your Scars” I understood why that was not working.
Now I am gradually healing and hoping to start back with many projects that have been put on hold for years — one that is now needing to be out of the folder and activated.
I have been blessed with more that I can handle.
As an 84-year-old widow I need help, although I have self-published 15 non-fiction books since 2019; but nothing for three years. recommend a coach who can help — from establishing a website through marketing.
Thank you for any suggestions?
Fran, scan the other comments on this post….you may want to interact with your fellow blog readers about possible coaches.
Hi Fran! I appreciate your comment. As the author of more than twenty traditionally published books, I am a coach who would love to help you. Life can take many turns, at times unwanted, and we may need time to heal. But if I’ve learned one thing- once a writer, always a writer. And taking a life lesson from Grandma Moses, we never know what God has in mind. It’s never too late for our next chapter!
My husband and I own the business Waterman Communications Group ( where we coach authors, helping them take the next step in their writing career. I’d love to hear from you!
After having to step back from writing for a year, I will turn my website back on and resume blogging and posting to social media. God-willing, He will bless my efforts.
Late last year, I joined an online writing accountability group. They meet multiple times per day for hour-long sessions. Each week, I’m aiming to add at least one more session to my schedule that week, building up to attending at least one every day.
I will finish polishing my debut novel and submit to literary agents.
Thank you for this post! It is what I needed!
I have an unpublished mss on my desk that I would like to see published, self, or otherwise.
Also two traditionally published books, now oop, that I would like to self publish.
And a new novel simmering.
And a blog needing some tlc.
Not going after daily word count , but 2 hrs minimum at my desk.
Those are the writing goals, anyway.
May the Lord lead and guide each of us in these endeavors for His own glory, always and always!
Fran Rogers, God bless you as you write. I’m a widow, too, and writing my book was healing as well as, at least from my reviews, help to other women. My goal. May you find just the right coach for you!
I had the privilege of teaching or keynoting at five writers conferences in 2023. This year: none. As much as I’ve loved those opportunities, we can’t continue to do what we’ve always done while making time for God to do something new. For my husband and I, that’s returning to pastoral ministry both locally and internationally at the age of 70. And I’m confident that as we care for His people, He’ll still give me opportunities to share what I’ve learned with my blog readers and potentially – someday – a third book. My word for the year is MARGIN. I so appreciate your posts, Bob!I also have kept my notes from every keynote I’ve heard you give, and those continue to feed my soul as a Christ follower and a writer.
I am not thinking about making many changes for this year. Just keeping on plugging away with marketing my second book and writing the third. Keeping up with platforms, maybe some expansion. But once book 3 is out in the world, I am thinking about slowing down, just a tad. So I will check in again this time next year, and let you know then.
Thank you, Bob, for the advice and reminder to do things differently.
This year, I am finishing a novel, out of the six I’ve started and stopped. I don’t care what the first draft looks like, just that I finish one. Then I will start the editing and so on, but I’m getting ahead of myself already! I’m finishing one, period. I need to see if I can stick with it.
For me, differently means writing on the story first thing in the day and putting distractions like email, interesting articles, and online education as the last thing of the day. Eat the frog first!
I’m going to learn how to write/draw a webcomic. I’ve signed up for a class starting in March.
This year I will submit the romance I pitched to an agent at Mount Hermon years ago that she wanted. It is finally finished and in the polishing stages. This is a huge switch from Children’s author to romance writer. I get excited every time I think about it.
Yes I did begin something new and pray it will be a spark to light a fire. Got my own column in the Dayton Daily News, Sunday paper: Life as Is, by Anne Mount. And I have a meeting with a new agent next week regarding my award-winning screenplays. Hopefully this will be the year of doors finally opening.
I love the title, “Life as Is.” Good luck with your upcoming opportunities.
It’s been so great to read everyone’s accomplishments and hopes to accomplish.
My 2024 S.M.A.R.T. Goals:
* Finish the YA Fantasy I’m currently editing in time for Founders (BRMCWC) and Genesis (ACFW) So, by March!
* Finish The Prodigal’s Son in time for 2025 Selah Awards.
* Publish a Bible study for Love Letters to Miscarriage Moms
* Update Love Letters to Miscarriage Moms to include better back cover copy and award seals.
* Grow from 120 newsletter subscribers toward 1K subscribers
* Grow Instagram to 1K subscribers by May 2024
In May, 36 Instagram followers strong, I asked industry professionals at Blue Ridge 2 questions:
* How do you balance writing with social media growth?
* What is the fastest way you’ve found to grow your platforms?
In September, with 86 Instagram followers, I made the goal to reach 1,000K followers. I’m currently at 572 this morning. … Nope. 575. Along the way, my reel with funny signs went viral, and the pinned reel of me telling Steve Laube everything he didn’t know about the publishing world has 1600 views, LOL. I look forward to seeing what I am able to accomplish this year. @LoveSamEvans
(She said with humble enthusiasm)
I wish all of you the very best with your specific goals. When you know where you want to go, it’s easier to get there. Blessings this 2024!
My keyword for this year is REST. I’m currently working on Book 4 in the sci-fi Soul’s Warfare series, FROM SILENCE TO SINGING. Also coauthoring a legal thriller, THE JUDGE’S DILEMMA with Xavier DeSoto. And writing articles, blogs, etc., and so on. I’m facing several surgeries this year, feeling a bit anxious. In most every way, God has given me all my dreams. I’m living happily with more good things than I ever imagined. He’s teaching me John 16:23-30 (“Ask for anything; …take heart, for I have overcome the world.”)
In, short, my 2024 goal is to ask God for what I need, work on my writing (everything that entails), and REST in God’s loving arms.
Love reading the comments! I belong to the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild and I started a nine day Fiction Roadmap again. started
I’m going to enter two ACFW contests.
Start a blog.
Edit the book I just finished.
Finish first book I started.
Thanks for sharing. I’m encouraged and inspired by all of you. Praying God’s best for you!
Wednesday, as the Lord wills, I expect to leave the frigid, snowy Midwest and fly more than 1000 miles for a month of warm-weather working sabbatical to pray, read, write, be with family, and figure out what I am supposed to do with the rest of my life. I am starting Year Two without my beloved husband of 54 years, most of those in vocational ministry on two continents. Year One was the hardest year of my life.
I kept my job at a college and also visited family in TX, AR, FL, and OH. I treasured time with my prayer group and church family. I accepted invitations to concerts, reunions, lunches, dinners, and meetings. I attended funerals. I met with tax experts, attorneys, Social Security personnel, bankers, financial advisors, cemetery memorial companies, realtors, and my children. I completed a 13-wk GriefShare program. An innovative book by missionary David L. Rogers on spiritual gifts that I edited came out in August. A graduate social work textbook I co-authored with Dr. Mary Powell is available on Amazon for pre-order: I’ll complete the final review in TX. An editing/consulting client completed her master’s in history and another started her dissertation in nursing. I started a Facebook series entitled “The Widow’s Mites” that has been well received and suggested as a good start for a book.
But I host a history website with 1200+ Followers on which I haven’t posted since Brian died and an author web site I haven’t visited in that time, either. Do I now dedicate my time and resources to building a platform? I purchased a course by Thomas Umstattd to explore that option. Do I continue to seek an agent, or self-publish some of the books I’ve written? Do I need to hire media help? I must figure out exactly what God wants me to do next, solo. Tall order for 2024? Maybe, but I believe God has a plan for me and I’m going to work hard to discover it. Prayers appreciated!
July 12, 2021… my life took an unexpected detour while on vacation in rural Wisconsin. I had an idea for a story, a vivid scene from a recent dream. Rainy Wednesday so no canoeing, hiking, or biking and I had pens, paper, and a table with a view of a pastoral valley. I stepped into another world that flowed like the rush of a firehose from my pen. Twelve hours later, I had three rough chapters and realized there were many more building up in the hydrant. Mm-hm. Not what I expected to be doing in my later life. God blessed me with a longsuffering husband and group of preview readers who love the story and have writing and editing skills. They give me honest feedback and have encouraged me to move forward.
January 12, 2024… Research, study, writing, rewriting, rewriting. Love it. A sequential historical fiction series has emerged. Today I landed on this very helpful blog… lots to consider.