You may be one of those strange and wonderful people who by this time in the holiday season has finished all of your Christmas shopping. Maybe even wrapping.
Well, bully for you.
I’m not that person. I still have a ways to go. I have a few things yet to get on my list. Among those outstanding items are things I wish (and pray) for my clients, writer friends, and readers of this blog, such as you.
So here I go. This blessed season, I wish for you:
1. Inspired words
You may have a work-in-progress … or not. You may be under contract … or not. You may not have written anything for quite some time. Whatever your circumstance and wherever you are in your writing journey, I wish (and pray) for some sweet, inspired, “Did I really write that?” words to flow from your mind and heart.
2. A surprise acceptance
Publishing wheels turn slowly at all times, but especially at this time of year. Still, I wish (and pray) for you to receive an encouraging, even unexpected, acceptance of something you’ve submitted for publication. Haven’t submitted anything? Then I wish (and pray) for the hope and faith to do so soon.
3. Peace in your heart
Sure, “peace on earth” would be great; but it has to start somewhere, right? And what better place to start than peace in your heart? (It even rhymes.) I wish (and pray) for less stress in your life, more ability to let things go, and a serenity like that of Julian of Norwich who wrote in simple faith, “All shall be well. All shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well.”
4. Time with loved ones
The writing life is often one of seclusion … and exclusion. But this season, I wish (and pray) for you to leave the writing behind long enough and often enough to enjoy the people with whom you most want to spend time.
5. A warm, mushy feeling
I wish (and pray) for your Christmas celebration to bless someone else. Whether that’s volunteering to ring bells for The Salvation Army (as I’ll be doing this weekend), serving a holiday meal at a local soup kitchen, making an anonymous cash donation to someone in need, or something else that will not only bless others but also make you feel all gooey inside.
6. A Bethlehem experience
Finally, my wish list for you includes an inner experience of the infinite reality: that moment when the living God of Christmas overwhelms the human soul with an awareness of His presence and prompts a passionate response. It’s what poet Ann Weems meant when she suggested we go to Bethlehem and find our kneeling place.
May you find that “kneeling place,” whether in corporate worship, quiet solitude, or anywhere angels may whisper by.
These are all lovely thoughts and wishes that I wish for all of you. I especially love this one:
“I wish (and pray) for some sweet, inspired, “Did I really write that?” words to flow from your mind and heart.”
Thanks, Bob. Your words are indeed a gift. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
Thank you, Bob! May you get that sweet, inspiration of “Did I really write that,” when you re-read this post. You deserve to.
Merry Christmas! ❤️🌲📚
Beautiful! Even though we haven’t met (yet), I thank you for your wise words and prayers. May your Christmas season be full of memorable moments with those you love and precious time with the Lord in that “kneeling place.”
I am forced into that kneeling place
by a heavy fatal blade
that through the Lord’s unending grace,
a miracle is thus made.
Shorn of will, beset by pain,
hostage to abyssal night,
I stand, a coward, and remain
in this hard and futile fight
for I have yet learned a thing
that keeps eyes and heart raised,
that though I can hear death’s dun wing,
there is all to be praised
in knowing He who walks with me
on my road to Calvary.
Andrew, thank you for another inspiring piece. I do have a response to one of your lines.
If a coward is what you are
Then who could be called brave
You sound the trumpet wide and far
And banish fears of grave.
Sy, thank you for the lovely thoughts and verse, so very much.
The sonnet was written at the end of a really hideous night, and Bob’s use of the phrase ‘kneeling place’ was an instant connexion. I don’t feel brave; really, just very tired, but there’s work yet to do.
Good lines, Sy. Merry Christmas to you and yours. See you in the New Year.
Your words jumpstart my day. I’ll capture the quotes in my journal to stir me on another day.
Thank you.
AMEN!! Claimed, printed and placed beside my Prayer Chair!
Thank you!!
Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you Bob for these beautiful Christmas wishes. I appreciate your blogs.
Thank you for these encouraging words. As someone who has recently “picked up the pen” again, your thoughts reminded me of why we do what we do. May this Advent Season be a special one for you and your family.
John Thurman
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing these words with us. ☺️
Thank you. It was just what I needed to read. Blessings to you and all those you hold dear.
Those words made my day! May God multiply a thousand fold the gift of those words to your own heart – just as your needs dictate!
“Did I really write that?” Yes, I’ve thought this. Sometimes adding, “Thankfully, no one but me has ever seen it.” Other times thinking, “Wow! Good stuff.”
Option 1: all me.
Option 2: to God be the glory!
Thank you for this much-needed encouragement today. I am motivated to step away from the work, look up, and take in the beauty of the season and the reason He came.
Thank you for the beautiful wishes and prayers.
Bob, I always appreciate your wisdom and I like the term Bethlehem experience. It describes how God was present the day I arrived at church to speak at my 91 year old dad’s funeral on behalf of my older siblings when I was in my 40’s. His suicide was so shocking but GOD’s love for me from the moment I arrived at church was palpable. He gave me peace and the words to speak to the 300 attendees and family that day. Blessings to your family this Christmas.
Your thoughtfulness is amazing, and then, it is so much a part of you that why should anyone be amazed, just gratified that the Lord blessed you with it, and that he fills you with the grace(s) to share, to help, to encourage, to care. I loved your “did I write that?” moment!
MERRY CHRISTMAS. (Yes, I’m shouting. From the rooftops.)
P.S. I’ve been re-reading “Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door” this week. Darn good work, still!