You are a published author. You must be rich!
You are an agent. I know you are rich.
If it only were true.
Let’s attempt to explain some of the bottom-line basics of Author Accounting. Please remember this exercise is generic; your mileage may vary. I will use some simplified numbers, so we can all follow the math.
Let’s start with a $20.00 retail-priced book. The publisher sells the book for $10.00 to a vendor (like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or That creates a net receipt or net price for the publisher.
The net price is $10.00. The author’s contract dictates that the publisher pay them 15% of the net price. That would mean when this book was sold to the vendor, the author’s account was credited $1.50.
This particular author was paid an advance of $4,500 to write the book. That money is like an advance on your allowance when you were a kid. You must pay back the advance before you earn more money. So if each book sold earned the author $1.50, then how many copies must sell before the $4,500 is earned out? The answer is 3,000 copies. On the 3,001st copy, the author earns an additional $1.50.
The additional money is paid to the author periodically, not as it is received. Most publishers pay the author twice a year. Some pay quarterly.
But because the royalty is based on a net price, the royalty paid will depend on each sale. Some books will be sold at $10.00, some for $12.00, and some for $6.00. It all depends on the situation. For example, the books you see on the spin racks in the grocery store or the airport are sold to rack jobbers at a very high discount to enable them to pay each person in their distribution chain. The author gets less money but sells more copies.
Be aware that some contracts pay the author a royalty based on the retail price and some on the net price. So, if the royalty rate were based on the retail price (like a 7.5% of retail rate for paperback, which is a standard number among the “Big Five”), then the author would still receive $1.50 per book no matter what the publisher sold the book for. The majority of publishers in the Christian market use net receipts as their basis for paying royalties.
Out of that $4,500 advance mentioned above must come the author’s expenses: research materials, conference fees, travel expenses, etc. Some, not all, are deductible at tax time. (Tax time is tomorrow for those of you in the U.S.) And those are only the business expenses. If you are a normal person, you have housing, a car, food, clothing, etc., to pay for as well. But unless that advance is a lot higher, it’s going to be tough to pay your mortgage with the advance money you have received. (Plus, advance money rarely comes all at once. Typically, it is paid out over time. Some publishers pay on signing the contract, on the acceptance of an author’s “acceptable” manuscript, and later on publication of the book.)
When I teach this subject in-person, I usually stop here and ask, “Is this making sense?” “Are you following the math?” Most will answer yes, but the room is deathly quiet because I’m talking about money.
I will often ask the room, “Can you make a living as a writer?”
D.Q.Y.D.J. is the correct answer.
Don’t Quit Your Day Job.
That sounds grumpy and negative, but it is a reality. Most authors do not start their careers with a million-dollar advance and a legion of fans. They build them slowly but surely over time. In the beginning, they struggle mightily to make ends meet and justify the time and energy, just like anyone starting a small business.
The writing profession is a marathon, not a sprint.
Why is your percentage so small? Read Tamela’s article “Why is My Royalty Check So Small?” for a quick answer.
A number of writers are turning to independent opportunities by self-publishing via e-books and print-on-demand in the hope of greater income. There is no debate from me as to the potential for success. A number of writers find this as the solution to their money problems.
But just like every small business venture, there are successes and failures. Your mileage may vary. There is no single solution for every writer. One writer I know has a steady income from e-books but still works at a day job to make ends meet. This writer would be considered successful by any standard but still has to supplement their income. The writer has grown the writing side of their world to the point that they must now decide whether to make the jump to full-time writing in the hopes that revenue will increase because they will have the time to devote all energy to writing and marketing their books.
And if you are interested in Publishing Economics 101, see this post.
Great way to explain this, thank you. I’m ready for the marathon!
Thanks for the reality check. Great information!
Weren’t we just talking last week about how we writers don’t like numbers? I’m grateful there are agents like you, Steve, to figure these things out.
At one of my first writers conferences, a faculty member supplied my first reality check when he said, “The great majority of published authors do something else to earn a living.” True, a few become wealthy from their writing, but that percentage is very low.
Thanks for keeping the vision real, Steve.
Very insightful, Steve. It is good to face hard realities, and not let them put us off. We need to be disillusioned of our illusions so that we can receive God’s Kingdom dreams for our writing. Iron needs to sharpen iron.
This is why many authors also speak at writers conferences and offer critique and editing services. Unless you have a blockbuster book or a personal patron of the arts (AKA, a spouse with an income), you almost certainly have to do more than write. It’s unfortunate, because writers like to write!
I appreciate and literally get giddy when reading posts like this. Negative and grumpy? Nah. It’s all about perspective and I see hope. I’m sure the ones who write for a higher purpose do too. It’s quite fantastical to enjoy a passion for story telling even if it’s not a *career* yet. How blessed are we?! Like Lisa said bring on the marathon, our work will benefit from the gradual and steady pace making it more in shape when it reaches the finish line. Keep running the race people!
There’s also the Dave Ramsey end of the equation. I would never start my own business until I was debt-free (including the mortgage) and had one year of expenses saved up. Once you’re going and sure it’s going to work out, you can back that off to the standard 3-6 month emergency fund. I’m 46 now, so I see writing as a hobby first (though one I can’t live without!) and then secondary income. In retirement, I hope to earn a little extra from it. At the very least, it will keep me from walking around the mall every day with my cronies and giving free advice. Okay, I’ll still give the free advice. Maybe I’ll write a book about it.
My day work’s what I will not quit,
though it’s surely not path-lighting,
because it is what keeps me fit
from my main job of writing.
I am not a great artiste,
and poems come really hard for me.
It’s the nature of the beast,
but I moderate difficulty
with woodwork that engages
another part of mind,
and returning to the pages
it’s always that I find
something of new fresh perspective
in labouring’s humble directive.
Super article! Thank you for sharing.
So many think authors are wealthy if they don’t have another job. Whether traditionally published or an independent author, we work hard for what we get back from our books. If an author isn’t writing because God put it on their heart, and after that they’re not writing to bring a good story to the reader, they’ll be disappointed in the profit.
Profit from the sales of our books should be icing on the cake. I love to write, so to me it is. I love to make my readers smile. That’s what’s really important.
Thank you, Steve Laube for laying it out so clearly.
Thanks so much, Steve! Ah … the math. Sigh.