Listen to see how your favorite Christmas carols sound when put in a different key.
Sometimes you can take your writing idea and come at it from a different direction and discover something completely new and yet still familiar!
Listen to see how your favorite Christmas carols sound when put in a different key.
Sometimes you can take your writing idea and come at it from a different direction and discover something completely new and yet still familiar!
Let’s kick off the Advent season with this delightful song about the genealogy of Jesus Christ found in Matthew chapter one.
On this last day of November, watch this amazing video of a Rube Goldberg Machine (click for a definition) using marbles and rubber bands. The creator says it took him a week to build and film with 40 failures before it finally worked. Writer metaphor: How many failures will you endure before your masterpiece is right?
The idea of spending the day after Thanksgiving with shopping is going to the dogs. Here is video proof… A complete waste of your time to watch. But I hope it brought a smile to your face today! I especially liked the drive-thru scene…
Go to the website below and select the year you were born (or any year for that matter). Time Traveler – Mirriam-Webster The results will show you the words and phrases that were first used in that year. Fascinating fun! For my mom, it is words like air traffic controller, die-hard, deep fry, eye shadow, expense account, hearing aid, learning curve, tux. In 1968 (50 years ago) the results …
Today’s video is designed to make you think more deeply about art. Especially the intentionality of great art. Understanding the use of light and shadow, which directs your eye when looking at art, can help you view book-cover design in a new way. Bad cover designs make you look at the wrong part of the cover. Great covers help you focus on what is most important. Let’s learn from the …
Today’s cartoon shows how an author can control a free-spirited character. With hilarious results.
This world can be a scary place. It is filled with “ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night,” as the old Scottish prayer puts it. It can be especially scary for writers, believe it or not. Even though we don’t get out much. Maybe because we don’t get out much. Sure, there’s a phobia for just about everything; but some are more acute or common among …
This is fun! Watch the whole thing and see if you are a good observer.
Tim Hawkins is a favorite comedian. This new video is no exception! HT: Dan Balow (blame this one on Dan) For more video fun by Tim Hawkins, visit his site: