Gene Kelly was a master of dance. But this scene from “It’s Always Fair Weather” takes the cake. While the song lyrics are rather lame, the dancing on roller skates, beginning at the 2:09 mark, is pretty incredible. Warning: Don’t Try This at Home.
Fun Fridays – April 5, 2019

Impressive. The section of on and off the curb, while moving along it, looks a bit tricky! (at 3:20)
He’s sure having fun!
Wow! That’s impressive! And not just the incredible roller skate tap, but all the little nuances of feeling and response to his surroundings. Thoroughly delightful!
Quite the artlete (artist + athlete), but I fear his mama failed to teach him the “left, right, left” method of crossing the street. Sure am glad no cars were coming! 😉 Happy Friday!
One of my favorite dancers of all time! Wow, that’s amazing.
I second (well… FOURTH!) the comments above… I”m taking tap class and to be able to do that soooooo effortlessly… and then to do it on skates??? Wow! Wish there was another word for it, but …. WOW!!
Agree with the others. What talent and athletic ability! Wonder how many takes they did to get it all perfect.
Don’t you wish movies were that wholesome today?
I absolutely loved that movie. I was 19 at the time and had my own white shoe skates. Oh, how I wanted to skate like that. He was one of my favorite dancers and I made sure to see all of his movies, but this one showed more than dancing skill. I was amazed then and it amazed me again today. Thanks for the memories. 🙂
This made me laugh! Made me think of Bob Hostetler. He’s a happy person. He would sing, “Everyone loves me and so do I!”
That started off my Friday with a smile. Thanks!
The most amazing element of this clip is the condition of the sidewalks and streets! We lived in New York City in 1977, and the sidewalks in Manhattan were torn up, broken, had open holes and construction scaffolding. And where are the bums and beggars? Oh, right. This is fiction.
Gene Kelly was a master. Imagine the amount of practice from day 1 of his career and on. What if our practice as writers was similar?
Okay, so this was your Fun Friday. I always have to read something into what appears to me as a lesson for every career.
The perfect break for me after a long day at work. I’m smiling as broadly as Gene Jelly! Thanks for lifting my spirits.
Oh my goodness. Gene Kelly, smooth as jelly.
When entertainment was delightful, clean and well done!!!
Thank you! This is special!!!
Incredible! I have always loved watching Gene Kelly dance but I have never seen this dance routine and on skates, no less. Thank you for sharing!!!