Did you know that cats really do talk like this? But only when humans are not around to hear them.
It’s true. I saw it on the Internet.
Thanks to my daughter Fiona for showing me this one!
Did you know that cats really do talk like this? But only when humans are not around to hear them.
It’s true. I saw it on the Internet.
Thanks to my daughter Fiona for showing me this one!
As a public service to our agency clients and the general Christian publishing industry (but mostly because it is a real drag being serious all the time) here are some book concepts that will never sell. Don’t even bother trying to develop them. I Never Knew You: Depressing Bible Verses The Dog that Returned to His Vomit: A Bible Story for All Ages The Eglon Diet: The Purpose Driven Knife …
A Sign Language interpretation of the hit song “Happy.” Created and produced by deaf campers at the 2014 Deaf Film Camp in New York. The camp is dedicated to deaf and hard-of-hearing teens with an interest in filmmaking. This video should indeed make you feel “happy.”
Today is the 33rd wedding anniversary of my wife and I. The comic below is perfect to mark the occasion. Happy Anniversary Lisa! [click through for a larger picture]
Two agents at conference. Along comes a writer! {Create your own caption below!}
Today’s video is a smile maker. A great reminder to say “thank you” to someone today. Your words may be a blessing to one who needs it. Last week I had some rough days personally and professionally…and then a client’s brand new book arrived in the office. In it, on the acknowledgment page, she thanked me for my hard work on her behalf. It was just the right thing at …
Proof that there’s been a problem in publishing since the stone age! B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart
When grown men have too much time on their hands and have lost patience waiting for the next “Star Wars” installment. [Warning: there is definite guy-humor in this…explosions and other fun things.] The ending is hilarious.
Enjoy your celebration today with family and friends! Happy Birthday USA! Below is a picture of the world’s largest single fireworks shell before it is fired into the sky. It is four feet in diameter and weighs over 900 lbs. It is fired 2,700 feet into the air before exploding (that is a half a mile!). When it explodes it cover 2,400 feet of space (a bloom diameter). Here is one of …