Enjoy this clever three minute book trailer for the new prequel to The Godfather releasing next week (titled The Family Corleone).
No editors were harmed in the filming of this video. At least that we know of.
Watch past the credits.
Enjoy this clever three minute book trailer for the new prequel to The Godfather releasing next week (titled The Family Corleone).
No editors were harmed in the filming of this video. At least that we know of.
Watch past the credits.
Some days you just have to take a break and do something fun. That’s what we’re doing today with Wordle. Just hop over to the website (www.wordle.net) and have at it! Below is a Wordle for one of Steve’s keynote speeches:
How many book characters do you count in this short video? And what are their names?
An appropriate caption for this cartoon could be "What every author wishes they could say to an editor."
The Rejection Letter Generator Become used to receiving rejection letters from agents and editors. Test your own mettle. Develop immunity to snarky comments! Go to this site and fill one of the seven forms. The Rejection Generator Project I guarantee you will be rejected within seconds. So much better than waiting weeks for our agency’s evaluation. Here is a sample of the rejection letter I …
Another amazing story of talent discovery.
Kids can say the darndest things about the Bible!
This is from a local used bookstore in the Phoenix area.
This lady...
Lives a Purpose Driven Life and
Knows the Power of a Praying Wife.
She practices Five Love Languages and
Will not be Left Behind.
She spent 90 Minutes in Heaven
And is convinced that Heaven is for Real.
She is both Captivating and Radical
Because she Kissed Dating Goodbye and
Has developed a Mary Heart in a Martha World.
She wears Blue Like Jazz and keeps The …
Be careful with your cell phone in church. This could happen to you!