Be blessed by today’s video created for the Christmas season by CV Outreach.
Merry Christmas!
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
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Merry Christmas to all.
The best greeting I have received-TRUTH and the power of eternal LOVE!!!
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you for this beautiful message. Have a glorious holiday.
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!
Reminds me a movie I saw as a kid. Thank you so much.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks Steve. I almost skipped this email, because I didn’t have time.
Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the reminder of true peace. Something similar to this happened to my father in World War 2. At Christmas he found himself in Luxembourg. A family took him in for the holiday and shared their meal. Some thirty years later, my oldest brother was in the army stationed in Germany. He’d heard my father’s story many times and decided while on leave to search for the family that shared Christmas with Dad. The family showered my brother with overwhelming joy and appreciation. For you see, Dad and his fellow soldiers had brought peace to Luxembourg that Christmas during a time of war.
A poignant, powerful and truly beautiful reminder of the true meaning of this precious holiday. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you. Marilyn
Thank you for the wonderful video, Steve. It reminded me of a Christmas wartime movie we watch during this time of year, Silent Night. Same scenario. It brings tears to my eyes.
Thank you for the reminder the love of Jesus Christ can overcome hatred. God bless you.
Thank you for this beautiful story. Merry Christmas to you and your staff and their families!
That was beautiful. If only we can remember to take that message with us every day and live it. Blessings to you and your family and staff.
So powerful and touching! Encourages me.
Thank you. It was a blessing.
Thank you for sharing.
What a beautiful video. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of my mission trip to Moldova in the mid-90s when I played the piano and our team sang hymns in English while our hosts sang in Russian. A poignant reminder that God is God everywhere and to all people. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
Thank you. That was a beautiful reminder of how our world needs to show more mercy and less judgement of others. My Dad was a Canadian soldier in WW2.