Who knew this could be a Guinness World Record? Pam Onnen spells 56 words backwards in one minute! Shattered the old record by 17 words.
I can’t even spell “radar” backwards one time. Oh, wait.
The words are chosen at random. If you’d like to watch the interview with her after, keep watching the video.
Wouldn’t it be wild to have a character in your novel or screenplay based on someone with this ability? Imagine with me. “The world’s worst bank robber walks up to the counter and declares, ‘Kcits em pu!'”
Or a spy using it as a code? “Yps a ma I.”
Sorry, I can’t claim to be clever or original.
Now, uoy od ti.
I’d struggle to spell some of then forward–at any speed.
Peter – haha.. I have a meme floating about that says, ‘I thought as an adult I wouldn’t have to sing the alphabet song when spelling, yet here we are.’
Roald Dahl wrote a hilarious character with what he called “back to front dyslexia” in his book Vicar of Nibbleswick. The stress of moving to a new town causes the vicar to start reversing the most important word of the sentence so he prays to “Dog Almighty” and instructs the congregation to “pis gently” during communion. My dad used to read it to us each year on Christmas (it has nothing to do with Christmas) and, being pastors kids, we would laugh every time until we cried at the very thought of it!
Amazing! And this artful person would make for an interesting character.
That’s very funny! I like it. I might use it in my next novel.
That’s amazing! This kind of quirk would be so fun to include in a novel — especially the angst of her not wanting to tell anyone at first.
What a gift! That’s pretty incredible!
That woman is amazing! In your example (Kcits em pu!), did you mean Kcits me pu?
Fo esruoc!
Ti saw na ysae ekatsim ecnis I od ton klat sdrawkcab.
That’s what I was going to say! ha
That was so perfect, could have been definitely, a spy language. What a fun gift!
aveH a lessedb eekw eno yreve
Wow! it is not easy. Even the computer refuses ot cooperate.
It means let us not change the natural order of the things God has created for us humans and wants it to remain so. If you actually get my drift…
Have a blessed week everyone.