A perfect game in bowling is a score of 300. To achieve that you have to roll ten strikes in a row, then roll two more in the bonus. A total of 12 strikes. It is really, really, really hard to do.
This guy, Ben Ketola, rolls 12 strikes in a row, in less than 90 seconds. Watch and be amazed.
It does give me a moment to brag on my grandfather who bowled a perfect 300. He had the gold belt buckle to prove it! Not what you might expect from a man of God who preached twice every Sunday, once in English and once in German at his church in Maywood, Illinois, for almost 60 years.
WOW!! He’s got a wicked curve on his ball, too. But not only did he do this with 10 lanes, but he had to have had multiple balls, and each would have their own “quirks” and “feel.” Amazing!!!
Remind me not to go bowling with that dude. His game would be over before mine had just gotten rolling….so to speak.
Wow! That is truly amazing!
I didn’t remember that about Grandpa.
He also had an award for being a sharpshooter in the Cavalry!
My grandfather, sister, and brother-in-law all had multiple 300 games. I broke 200 once.
Wow! That’s incredible and he has his own style!
Boy, do I feel bad! I would still be taking “practice” rolls.
Hi Steve, I don’t now if you still have your grandfather but I think he is truly amazing. He is an excellent role model for his generations. Reading this post just reminded me that I never had a grandfather. Both my parents lost their fathers when they were teenagers. I thank God that I had an amazing father who was an author and my role model. I am a grandmother and your grandfather’s life gives one food for thought. What legacy does one leave behind for their generations?
Like you have done, I pray that my grandchildren would find a lot of things to brag about me too. We are all being watched especially by God!
Thanks for the post . I also hope you don’t find my comments and contributions off key.
God bless you.
My high game is 260, which ain’t bad. Course that was well over 50 years ago. This guy’s performance is unbelievable. I mean literally. Still, the internet never lies, so….
When I was a little girl I would watch a bowling show on TV. The theme song went,
?B-O-W-L-I-N-G ?
We go bowling, bowling, bowling,
My baby and me!??