I thought this video was perfect for Valentine’s Day.
The love these men exhibit by accompanying their wives to their local Target is inspiring. (LOL!!!)
Enjoy the satire and hilarity.
And happy Valentine’s Day.
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That was hilarious! True love is clipping coupons for your wife…lol
Wonderful and hilarious! Thank you.
I laughed out loud and so did my husband. Hilarious!
Can’t wait to show this to my kids. Our daughters practically live at Target! Personally I don’t care for the place. 🙂 And I’m a wife.
Thank you Steve. This is hilarious.
Loved it! Even a daycare! Priceless!! Thanks, Steve.
Very clever! And well done. (Please don’t show this to my husband. He might want me to start spending time at Target, but I hate to shop.)
Personally, I can’t stand Target. But I do have a suggestion for you husbands whose wife do love the place. Make sure you send the kids into the store with your wife. Otherwise, she may have to bail you out of jail for leaving kids unattended in a vehicle. Just saying. LOL
Sorry, forgot to reread after I edited my comment. LOLThat should be husbands whose wives love…
I tweeted this video awhile back. I’m glad to see that it crossed your desk. Undoubtedly one of the funniest things I’ve see in a very long time.
Oh, Oh, Oh!!! My husband and I are still snickering. Thanks for the laugh!
That was awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Gives a whole new meaning to ‘tail-gate’ partying.
These guys are an inspiration!!! What a blessing!
I loved it! How hysterical!
I’m just glad there’s actually a group for my (future) husband to hang out, as I shop.
A good laugh, even if I’ve totally boycotted Target. I’m sure they sponsored this to boost sales! But thanks for the chuckle, Steve.