Comedian and writer Phil Callaway has a few things you shouldn’t say to an author.
Can you come up with some others?
By the way, his radio show can be found at
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A common misconception is that just because you are an author you are rich. That one makes me laugh!
Big ears! Great idea.
When I was in full-time ministry and someone asked me the “What do you do” question, I would respond, “I teach people how to live.”
When I transitioned out of FTM, I was interviewing for a job and the man looking at my resume asked, “So . . . basically you work one day a week?”
I left. That interview was over. I could not work for someone drowning that deeply in his own ignorance.
“a porcupine with halitosis…” bahahahaha
When I wrote and produced two music CDs years ago, a lady came up to me at church and said, “Whoever would have guessed YOU could do something like that!”
Love how he transitioned into sharing about Jesus at the end!
How about this one? I have a book inside me and all I have to do is write it.
I’ve heard all ten.
LOVE this!! 🙂
Thanks for the laughs – – this is going into my Keeper File!
So true! So true! But only 10? I can think of at least a dozen more that I’ve heard. LOL But we take it in stride. They don’t know what it’s like to write any more than we do what it’s like to be a surgeon. Let them have their concepts. Just smile and offer them a book. 🙂
What Mr. Callaway said about where our sense of worth comes from is also so true. Living for our Lord is the priority. He should be the center of everything we do or say. That’s how to write a book. Pray before, during, while editing, tweaking, and even after the story is written. It should be His book. God should have the final say in what it contains or does not contain. The writing comes much easier this way.
Too funny! I’ve heard several of them. Thanks for sharing.
I love Christian comedians. It’s entertainment with a purpose. What a profound profession to have in order to serve our Lord.
Thanks for the laugh! I attended Bible college with Phil. It’s fun to see how God has led him over the years. He’s a great guy, and the comments he mentions here are all-too-true.
Shortly after I began working on my manuscript, someone at church asked how the book was coming. I told her I was working on it, but it was a complicated process. She looked at me and said, “What? All you do is [made typing motions].”
I have been incredibly fortunate that when I have opportunity to tell people I’m a writer, everyone (so far) just thinks it’s cool or interesting. My dentist’s hygienist and I even have a habit of exchanging my writing progress and the things she’s been learning in dentisty lately because we both like hearing about things outside our own experiences. 🙂