This clever, tongue-in-cheek video is a great lesson for what should be our “word” for 2019: humility.
Fun Fridays – January 18, 2019

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Oh, that’s hilarious (and very well made). Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Steve. You started my birthday off with a giggle. That birthday I have announced all week on every social media account I have because I’m so excited to have made it this far. Oh–I’m getting emotional. Excuse me, I need to take a photo to remember this moment.
I no longer feel like my aversion to self promotion (something indie writers are constantly told they must do) is such a bad thing. Now the quandary…do I share this link?
How funny is that?! (BTW, I run 9 miles a day…just sayin’)
Love the video and replies! I would never self-aggrandize myself. Just to humble I guess ..
Laughing at myself out loud…
So, have a fun question. In our proposals, queries, etc., oft the question comes up: ‘What makes you the only person to write this…?’ I remember thinking once, should I say ‘nothing?’ I honestly didn’t know, other than experience which wasn’t much of anything. And, ‘what are your previous published novels in the genre? How does one say ‘absolutely zip’ without sound ever-so glib? But I just have to speak the truth and send it with a prayer. Without sounding glib.
Your question is best answered in my blog on promoting yourself.
Thank you, Steve. I have all of your blogs and save them in my ‘articles to read’ file. I missed one!