Since many of you have been experiencing an extra dose of winter this month, I thought this video about the symmetry of the snowflake is fascinating.
As you watch the video, consider the magnificence of God’s handiwork. Awe-inspiring. Worthy of worship.
Love this video of Brian Cox, a very thoughtful scientist. And, speaking of snowflakes, I might mention that one of my chapters in my new book “Science and Faith in Harmony: Contemplations on a Distilled Doxology” (Kregel Publication, Foreword by Sean McDowell) is called “Snowflakes and Sandcastles”. And yes Steve, God’s handiwork is everywhere to be seen, and the role of science is to showcase all of these magnificent “works of His hands”. Oh and btw, the new book releases on Feb 13, and is available for pre-order. I pray I am not violating a rule by this outright promotion, but I thought being a Steve Laube agency client might let me get away with it, at least once.
Can you see the unique symmetry
in every flake of snow?
Thus you find God’s mystery
most everywhere you go.
Then look into the sparkle’d eyes
of the one closest to you,
every day a soul-surprise
far to good to be true,
and then behold the tale you write
at His urging and call;
pressing through writer’s block night
to surmount its bricky wall
to see at last, and understand
His glory writ by your own hand.
Wonderful video. God is truly an Artist. Have you ever read “Snowflake Bentley?”
Thank you so much for this, Mr. Laube. It pointed me to the grandeur and magnificence of our God.
A while ago, I read a book about Snowflake Bentley to my grandchildren. This video will add to their delight and their knowledge. Thank you again.
Amazing. Not always fun to shovel, but amazing!
Snow can be so beautiful, watching it fall, catching it on your tongue (like the Peanuts gang). It always puts me into a contented, calm mood . . . until I hear the snowplow drive by and realize that I have to go fire up the snow thrower and move it off of my driveway.
What a marvel! And now I’ll be looking for more hexagons in nature 😉
That was fascinating. Thank you!