If it is your birthday today or this week, you are in luck! Today’s fun video is a delightful reimagining of the famous song by pianist Nicol Pesce.
Taking something very familiar and producing something new is one of the things each of you have to do with your writing. There is such joy in creativity! (Be sure to watch to the end for something unexpected.)
[If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.]
I loved it! It would be worth having a birthday party just to hear her play.
That was incredible. As a writer and a professional artist, I truly appreciated Nicole’s talent and creativity. We know as believers that the Lord God is the ultimate creator and when we get to create something new, it is but a glimpse of Him and a taste of the joy creativity brings us. But only God was able to create out of nothingness, we have to work with what we see, feel, hear and know.
Still, our creativity is clear evidence we were created in His image and have a particle of Him within us.
Nothing says you can’t celebrate early!
And if you are sheltered-in-place … no one else would know. Except the one who bakes the cake.
That was wonderful! I am a pianist and teach piano so I thoroughly enjoyed that! Thank you!!
Upside down and backward? WOW!! That was fun! Thanks for bringing a smile to my day.
Perfect way to start the day! Thanks!
Wow. That is awesome. And when I thought I had heard or seen the best, it got better. Thanks for sharing.
So much fun. Thank you for a great start to my Friday.
Fantastic!!!!! Bravo!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing this excellent performance.
And some people think there is only one way to sing or play Happy Birthday! How silly they are. This was fantastic.
Thanks for posting this. I shared it today in honor of my mom’s 100th Birthday on February 2. Perfect timing. ๐
To think she was born the year Warren Harding was inaugurated as president!
It was also the year White Castle hamburger restaurant was opened.
AND the year Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize in physics!
Thanks Steve. My daughter has a birthday in a few days, so I’ll be passing this along to her. What fun.
Wish her a happy birthday from The Steve Laube Agency. ๐
Wow! So fabulous. What a talented lady!
Haha! I AM in luck because this IS my birthday week!
Thanks for the fun birthday wishes!
Happy birthday to you!
That was wonderful. I’ve seen someone play backward and upside down and it’s amazing. She is one talented lady.
I like what you said about as writers we do something similar. Ecclesiastes says there’s nothing new under the sun. This was a fun reminder and correlation between the two.
My beloved sister passed on to Glory yesterday. Her birthday is today; meeting Jesus and loved ones is the best present. We are a musical family, so I’m forwarding this incredible rendition of “Happy Birthday” to them in her honor. Many thanks to you and the pianist.
I am sorry for your loss. Interesting that what I thought was a “fun Friday” would be something that had greater meaning to your family. Love how God creates these “coincidences.”
Incredible talent. Does this extraordinary pianist play at any venues in Scottsdale or Phoenix? Thanks for sharing delight.
It was my birthday this week. This is the fanciest musical ‘gift’ anyone gave me. Thanks! Delightful!
This was awesome, Steve. She has an incredible talent and to reinterpret “Happy Birthday” by so many classical composers is delightful! As an old piano player (i.e. old in that I played a long time ago), I appreciate her creativity and abilities, as well as her sense of humor. Guess we writers have a lot of reinvention in our own work don’t we.
By the way, I found another deep bass I thought you’d like after your post about that incredible range a male singer has. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ew_bfFvros&feature=emb_rel_end – a group called Home Free.