With the Olympics happening in Japan, I thought this video would be enjoyed by all.
Watch some very clever gymnasts create new feats of athleticism using hula hoops!
Writers? Again, this proves that creativity can come from anywhere!
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
Great video. Thanks for the post.
Fantastic! Timing is everything! This would be a great genre for the Olympics.
Amazing! And thank you.
Incredible! Thank you for sharing.
Amazing! I’m glad my writing acrobatics are confined to the mental kind.
Just goes to show you how precise they must be! Wow.
Ha ha! Wow!
Like that well-crafted sentence or story, each trick looks so easy after all the work to perfect it is done. One can only imagine the practice runs!
Oh, to be that flexible and move forward with such momentum both with my body AND with my writing. What a thought.
The trial runs must have been hysterical, much like many of my first drafts.
Good grief! I’m speechless… WOW!
Incredible performance!
Tx Steve and God bless you for sharing this excellent creativity and talent -very inspiring!