The creativity here is stunning. Who would have thought?
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I think this is even more impressive when you know Erik was born deaf! Thank you Mr. Laube, I found this story quite inspiring.
Wow! “…Taking something trashy or broken or old and making it into something beautiful.” Great mission–sounds like the Great Commission! Thanks for posting.
Wow, how impressive! If it’s true that God strengthens another of our five senses when one wanes, then Erik has an extra gift of sight, seeing images the rest of us can’t even imagine. Thanks for sharing this.
The extent of human creativity just amazes me, but then reflections of the creative nature of The Almighty!
Thank you!
How inspiring! I noticed that he is either Deaf or hard of hearing, based on his vocal tones. I’m glad that, like Roberta said, he has been given the gift of seeing images that the rest of us can’t see. Thanks for sharing the work of this incredible young man.
This is so amazing!!! the patient heart and mind of this dear young man who wants to create things from the broken and ‘thrown away’ items in life… sounds like he has learned an eternal lesson from the heart of our Father in heaven… it is the work He ventures into everyday with all of us!!! I am sure this artist has the attention of the creature, and the loving guidance of bringing meaning to the very things other people would be so prone to throw away!!!! My heart cry is to see the end of abortion in our country and the world… this message is so needed! Thank you so much for sharing the heart of this artist with us all!!!
So much talent and creativity.
Eric is an inspiration.
Totally amazing! God has blessed him with tremendous talent, Insight, perseverance, and He is an example for each one of us.
Fascinating! Computer keyboard keys creating art. What a great metaphor for thinking outside of the box.
How cool is that! My favorite part is the hidden quotes. Absolutely awesome. Thanks for sharing, guys.