Next time you receive a rejection letter?
Next time you receive a bad review?
Next time you tell yourself you don’t have what it takes to be a writer?
Next time you fail at what you know you are called to do?
Watch the below video and remind yourself of the power of determination.
How powerful and encouraging. The past few months have been a series of falls. I was about to give up when I watched this. It reminded me that failure is not in the falling but in the refusing to get up. Thanks for posting this!
Wow! Brought tears to my eyes.
I’m with Grace: Brought tears to my eyes. Can’t tell you how much I needed to see this. Today. Now.
Thank you!
Amazing. Talk about focus!
I can’t get enough of these amazing stories! Thanks for posting it!
Absolutely AMAZING – – and a powerful testimony to what CAN be done with determination. 🙂
Thank you for sharing – – I needed this.
Still searching for words to describe my feelings after watching this.