Truth in Advertising. An eleven-year-old girl scout wrote a well crafted letter which was read on a popular podcast. Listen to Mike Rowe read the letter. Below the video is a “rest of the story” for you.
As you listen, think of your own writing. Does it convey your voice? Is it structured to build the reader to a conclusion? Is there a turn of a phrase or a word choice that makes it electric?
This went viral on Facebook with over 9.7 million views. Ended up on network TV.
As of a month later Charlotte had sold 23,000 boxes of cookies. A girl scout record.
HT: Dan Balow
I had been meaning to let you know what a wonderful job you have done on the 2017 Market Guide .
23,000???!!! Amazing! And sounds truly altruistic about helping our veterans. What a great kid! Happy Friday, SLA.
Dan, one of our mutual colleagues says that your brand is your promise to the reader. That’ll make you think. Thanks for sharing this.
Truth in advertising…how refreshing! It’s great to learn of a young girl who lived it and was rewarded as a result.
This exchange was delightful. I left the you tube going and enjoyed a letter from Mike’s mom. He can’t read without laughter, and that makes it more intriguing.
I would love some of the gluten-free wasteland cookies for my dad. Of course, he has no sense of taste (or smell) so he wouldn’t care if he was eating a barren wasteland of sweets. Loved the video, Steve! Thanks for sharing it!
So cool!