This is a mesmerizing video. It is a scene where a writer corrects their editor, no matter how many corrections are made.
“No! I’m a perfect, inerrant writer! Don’t change a word!”
After you watch this 34-second video, comment below.
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Can’t stop watching and can’t stop laughing at that skinny little metal rod that doesn’t give up. It does kind of look like a pen.
But who won? And who was the editor? The guy or the creature in the box?
Having worked in the corporate world for 2+decades, I *felt* this one! Only the “corrections” in this video are far too delicate for the machete-made swaths my C-student supervisors made in my copy.
Whose “flipping” wrong here. Lol! Hilarious.
Or. who’s.
It gives me the vibe of parent/child. Too funny!
“Mesmerizing” was the right word. I couldn’t stop watching. Reminds me of my son’s dog who has his nose in everything he does. Thanks for the laugh on a Friday.
The perfect invention for anyone who loves to argue!
Absolutely! LOL
My first marriage in a nutshell (or a box).
I once saw on similar to this where there were a pair of boxes and each endlessly flipped their counterpart’s switch while unflipping the flips their conterpart flipped on them.
I’ve seen the “useless box” before on Geek Squad, but this takes it to a whole, new level!
An exercise in futility…. Everyone’s comments made me laugh! Thank you.
A couple decades ago I was hired to freelance edit an author’s book which they were going to self-publish. After I did all my work, they rejected everything and told me to put it all back the way it was originally.
So I sent their original manuscript back. Unchanged.
And yes, the author paid the invoice.
Stranger things may have happened, but that was a new one to me.
Makes you wonder why they bother with an editor. LOL
my initial reaction…
our relentless propensity to sin…
a very good illustration!
Praise the Lord for His just as relentless desire to forgive the repentant sinner !!!
Have to send this to my editor. She’ll enjoy it. I’ll also post it in my group forum. Hopefully, it will cause some of the writers to think about their poor editors.
When I send my ms to my editor, she goes through it thoroughly. We’ve been working together for some time now, and she knows my style of writing. When she makes a correction, and I question it, we discuss the matter. We then decide if it’s something to correct or not. But, I’m sure she has some writers who are very much like that little lever in the box. LOL Poor editors.
Someone has way too much time on his or her hands!
This is my editor and me, 100%.
Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Most of the time, I lose.
Her logic is on a level far above mine.
Crazy! I love it!
Reminds me of a recent gunsmithing project (and before anyone gets worried, it was all legal).
Sometimes you have to as yourself Why Did I Do This?
I converted one of Barb’s ARs
to bullpup configuration,
which was reaching for the stars,
far above my normal station.
It took quite a bit of thought
and hand-work that I found fun
to have something not store-bought,
and ‘fore you ask, the thing does run,
and even has a pretty decent
trigger pull through transfer bar,
but I find that some recent
comments says I went too far,
saying that it would be more
sensible to go Tavor.
Some translation…
– an AR is an Armalite rifle (yes, like the dreaded AR 15!)
– bullpup means that the pistol grip and trigger are located ahead of the action, resulting in a lower overall length
– it’s not easy, because the new trigger has to work the old one (and needs to be custom made, attaching to a customized forend), and there’s a lot of ‘stuff’ in the way, and the new trigger mechanism had to adapt to the AR’s field stripping manual of arms
– the transfer bar works the old trigger, and this is where most bullpups don’t shine, having mushy trigger pulls; mine is quite crisp!
– it would have been way easier, though uncheap, to buy a Tavor, an Israeli bullpup rifle; this was pointed out to me many times
So, why bother?
Well, why not?
If anyone’s wondering, the overall length with a 16″ barrel (legal minimum for a rifle) is just over 28″ (legal minimum rifle OAL is 26″).
Good Gotcha!
Ha ha ha! Exhausting!
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