Today is 5/15/15. That just looks strange.
At 5:15 today it will be 5-15-15-5:15.
Has nothing to do with today’s Fun Friday, but thought I would mention it.
Talk amongst yourselves…
Today’s video is about what really happens when you can’t find a bookmark…
My oldest son points out that 3:15 pm in military/European time is written as 15:15.
Thus this afternoon it will be 5-15-15-15:15.
Today at 5-15-15-5:15 CST I will officially be on vacation. Headed to BRMCWC. Can’t wait. Hope to see you there. And I loved the video. So true.
Steve, definitely an algorithm in general in the randomized algorithm class and specifically a Las Vegas algorithm., RP class. Now you’re talking!
Was this a test to see if anyone is paying attention?
smile….I bend pages. A little bend is good, double bend is a must find, triple bend bend bend is an absolutely great word or phrase that needs to refound. And to make sure I easily refind that delicious word or phrase I underline, double and or triple underline. If it is delightul, I circle. Sometimes circle around and around. And for fun on refind I date when something is just wonderful. No colors. Just marks. My books are fun and easy to review. At least fun for me. And now a smile prompted from the video, comments and a review of my self being easily entertained.
I’ve been thinking about this post a couple days. The summary of thoughts are that this is just one more blog on your site that prepares me, educates me, increases my capacity to be confident in my part in the process as I understand and trust others in their part of the whole. Thank you.