Baptist Children’s Books
FakeJDGreear and ChurchCurmudgeon had a good time this Summer with their series, Baptist Children’s Books. Too much fun.
(HT: Trevin Wax)
- Charlie Spurgeon and the Chocolate Factory
- Green Eggs and NAMB (North American Mission Board)
- Danny Akin and the Dinosaur
- Goodnight Lottie Moon
- Chick-Fil-Little: The Biblical Definition of Marriage is Falling
- Harry Potter and the Not-Really-Blood Communion
- Platt the Bunny
- Douglas J. Can Moo, Can You?
- Charles Deacons’ A Tale of Two Committees
- Nancy Drew and the Mystery of Male Headship
- Are You My Mohler?
- Oh, the Places You’ll Boycott!
- More Wrinkles in Time
- The Really Fat Cat in the Hat
- Huckabee Finn
- One Fish, Two Fish, Roy Fish, Go Fish
- Hardy Boyce
- Michael Horton Hears a Who
What can you add to the list?
From your denomination? (Remember this is for fun, not trying to make doctrinal points.)
Those are hilarious! I’m sharing those with my church staff. Thanks for a great start to my day!
How about Just In Case You Ever Blunder
Here are a couple of theologues I like:
The John Piper of Hamelin
Bridges to Terabithia
One more: Nate Wilson the Great
Om Nom Non-Dom: Guide to Potlucks & Picnics For the Non-Denominational
Pride & Protestants & Zombies: Living Beyond the Frozen Chosen