Collective Nouns
I have a book of collective nouns that merely proves that English is a strange language (A Compendium of Collective Nouns by Woop Studios, Chronicle Books, 2013).
For example:
A scourge of mosquitoes
A quiver of cobras
A town of prairie dogs
A skulk of foxes
Which made me wonder. Why should the animals have all the fun? So I thought of some unconventional collective nouns that don’t exist. Guaranteed to either offend or make you laugh:
A potluck of Baptists
A selection of Calvinists
A shout of Pentecostals
A sprinkle of Presbyterians
A mass of Catholics
A silence of Quakers
A buggy of Amish
An anecdote of preachers
Can you add to the above collection? Or
can you fill in the blanks below?
A __________ of writers
A __________ of literary agents (Be very careful with this one!)
A __________ of publishers
A __________ of editors
A __________ of book proposals
A scrawl of writers
A crony of literary agents
A press of publishers
A slash of editors
A pitch of book proposals
A quill of writers
A proxy of literary agents (Be very careful with this one!)
A realm of publishers
A coach of editors
A tender of book proposals
A pen of writers
A contract of literary agents (Be very careful with this one!)
A book of publishers
A grammar of editors
A slush of book proposals
A binder of writers
A database of literary agents
A warehouse of publishers
A pencil pouch of editors
A pink slip of book proposals
A churchyard of writers
A handful of agents
An army of publishers
A drill of editors
A mountain of book proposals
Marilyn Pardine
A catch of writers
A weave of literary agents
A hobble of publishers
An eyeball of editors
A talent of book proposals
A novel of writers
A discernment of literary agents
A series of publishers
A correction of editors
A tsunami of book proposals
A conference of writers.
A trophy of agents.
A press of publilshers.
A revisal of editors.
A pique of book proposals.
Love the unconventional ones!
A line-drive aggregate of literary agents
A block of writers
A banner of literary agents
A ream of publishers
A mark of editors
A slough of book proposals
A hammer of editors.
An inkling of publishers.
A shrewdness of literary agents.
A novelty of writers.
A chaos of book proposals.
A wealth of writers
A litter of literary agents (as in kittens!)
A plethora of publishers
A eddy of editors
A proof of book proposals
How about:
A creation of writers
A promotion of literary agents (Be very careful with this one!)
An issue of publishers
A modification of editors
A summary of book proposals
a scribble of writers
a refusal of literary agents
a writer’s market of publishers
a groan of editors
a tedium of book proposals
A Column of writers
A Representation of literary agents (Be very careful with this one!)
A Press of publishers
A Tweak of editors
A Expectant of book proposals
A conveyance of writers
An advocate of literary agents
A neighborhood of publishers
A shape of editors (Andrew took my first and favorite – slash)
A hope of book proposals
A mess of Methodists.
A dispairing of writers
An imploring of literary agents
A query of publishers
An erasure of editors
A kindling of book proposals
That was so funny. Here are my offerings:
A blog of writers
A library of agents
A mosh pit of publishers
A manual of editors
An ocean of book proposals
A ___quill_______ of writers
A ____highly esteemed company______ of literary ggents (Be very careful with this one!)
A _____swamp_____ of publishers
A ____collection______ of editors
A _____pile_____ of book proposals
Per your advice, I was careful with the literary agents.
A gaggle of writers.
A line of literary agents.
A flock of publishers.
A wake of editors.
A mountain of book proposals.
You all are having far too much fun with this!
A feign of writers
A pillar of literary agents
An apex of publishers
An elision of editors
A fodder of book proposals
A pen of writers.
A gaggle of agents.
A volume of publishers.
A stet of editors
A slush of book proposals.
I agree with Steve.
Since I found my choices in several of the submission, let it stand at that.
A reformation of Lutherans.
An inkwell of writers
A manilla envelop of literary agents
A printer of publishers
A blue-pencil of editors
A pile of book proposals
A draft of writers
A discretion of literary agents
A piranha of publishers
A wisdom of editors
A landfill of book proposals
A pitch of writers
A query of literary agents
A oversee/acquisition of publishers
A concierge of editors
A blurb of book proposals
A wealth of writers
A pride of publishers
A correspondence of literary agents
An ease of editors
Baggage of book proposals