On March 1 a worship song called “The Blessing” was first introduced to the congregation at Elevation Church near Charlotte, North Carolina (written by members of their staff). A couple weeks later, during the coronavirus lockdown, a group of thirty churches in Pittsburg performed it on Easter Sunday in a virtual choir (you can find that version at this link).
The song began to be sung throughout the world and was recorded in native languages in countries across the globe. One version was recorded in Arabic, featuring singers from 16 different Arab-speaking countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, and South Sudan. (Watch “The Arab World Blessing.”)
Later Elevation Church did a version using a global choir, which is today’s feature. If you’d like to see the lyrics, they are posted on the original YouTube site (found at this link).
If you have not heard this song before, I recommend finding ten minutes to meditate with it.
[If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.]
I don’t know if anyone remembers, but the month that the song came out, it hit #1 on iTunes list, beating EVERY SINGLE secular song. It was a time of triumph that Jesus is above all! I had a praise break in my bedroom when Kari Jobe posted the news on her social media. <3
Thank you Steve. Amazing worship!
This is so beautiful, Steve. I first heard this sung as a Hawaiian blessing several months ago. What an added blessing to hear it today in so many languages. Thank you for sharing. I love this verse and song!
Thank you for “The Blessing.” It focused my day on every spiritual and earthly blessing. May these blessings surround you and keep you as you walk God’s path for you.
Thank you, Steve. What a blessing to be reminded God is on the move throughout the world. He is mighty, He is strong and He is for us!
Sharing this with a couple of friends who need to be reminded that God fights for them today.
Thanks, Steve.
Steve, I first heard the Zoom version at our church while we were still doing online services exclusively and then the Hebrew version at our outdoor services during the summer. It is truly an inspiring song and, I believe, inspired and meant by God for our time. Thank you for sharing it here.
What a delightful surprise!! I play the u tube church performance by the Elevation church every Sunday after service. One of my highlights for Sunday. Thanks for sharing and God bless you, AMEN……….
Such a beautiful reminded that God’s people can find peace with one another and come together in worship. Thank you for sharing this.
Great benediction song. I wouldn’t really classify it as a worship song, since its audience is us, rather than God, but it’s always edifying to hear the Word of God sung over you.
This made my day – went straight to iTunes to buy it. Thank you.
Hello, I am purging my emails and I wanted to know how I got to know you. Are you the gentleman who sells scripture memory CDs?