Last week was a modern-day duet. This week we can enjoy the artistry of Chico and Harpo Marx playing a duet on the same piano (from the 1941 movie “The Big Store”). The tune they are playing is “Mama Eu Quero” made famous by Carmen Miranda the year before. What fun!
Fun Fridays – September 6, 2019

Love it! I smiled this morning. Thanks so much.
Thank you for the smiles. That was great!
That was great! If you just listen to the audio, it sounds normal. It’s their expressions and actions that make it so hilarious! 🙂 Interesting dialogue lesson, maybe? 😉
Show, don’t tell.?
Those two are such a hoot. If you watch the source video, Carmen Miranda is wearing more bling than Mr. T!
Thanks for another great start to the weekend.
What a delight. They put everything in that performance that belongs in a good book – interesting characters, action, emotion, humor…
And they made it look easy.
Oh, my goodness!! Love that display of very talented, dramatic FUN.
I would have missed the link if my husband hadn’t directed me to click on the “download pictures” bar. At the first I simply clicked on the obvious link and watched the singer while wondering where the piano duet was…
If it wasn’t for my husband’s know-how I would still be scratching my head.
So impressive. Very fun.
What absolute fun!
Awesome! Who knew they were also musicians?!
That’s what creating should look like–fun! Thank you for posting.
Chico was always my favorite. Can you imagine what it must have been like at their family dinner table and Dad or Mom asked, “Tell us about your day, boys.”