This singing group has a unique approach to their work. I’ve featured them before. In today’s video, they have a delightful take on “Looney Tunes.”
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There’s nothing like an orchestra
conducted by Bugs Bunny;
what might seem like disastra
ends up being funny,
and though the old composers
might be spinning in their graves,
just hook ’em to transformers
for the ‘lectricity they saves,
and woll on wabbit with baton,
keep that juice a-flowin’
to show that when we’re dead and gone
the energy keeps goin’,
turbines in coffins of oak,
the power of ‘That’s All Folks!’
“turbines in coffins of oaks” !!!!! I’m not entirely sure what the allusion is, but it’s catchy. You go, Andrew.
Thanks, George! I know coffins are usually pine, but that didn’t come close to rhyming with ‘folks’.
What a great way to start the day. Thanks, Steve. And once again, an impromptu poem by Andrew gets fully and brilliantly composed and lands in line before everyone else. How do you do that, Andrew? WAIT! You two don’t coordinate do you? Is it COLLUSION? Say it ain’t so, Joe! 🙂
No collusion, I’m afraid, so the conspiracy theories go by the boards.
I’m always awake when the new posts go live, and have been blessed with a decent vocabulary, some musical gifts, and a desire to entertain. That’s really the formula.
That was fun! Thanks for sharing!
Fun! All of the above!
Too funny, but talented! Happy Friday!
Fun! Just what I needed! Thanks so much for all the breath of fresh air.
LOVE it! Brings back fond memories of a time when you could only watch cartoons on Saturday morning! Am I dating myself?
They’re really good! That was fun to watch. Thank you!
Well, that was fun! Happy weekend, everyone!