Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. View all posts by Steve Laube →
This is great. Truly, music is a universal language. How many of us have seen and heard the flash orchestras appear in malls and noticed the great number of people who stop their shopping to listen to music. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there would be a way to incorporate the universal attraction to music in writing? And use it to draw people to Christ?
This is a bit of a lengthy story that ties back in with the power of music.
When my wife and I were in Haiti, we visited a home for the dying and destitute to ease the suffering of people on their death beds by massaging them and cutting their hair/beards. It was one of the few times these people were able to experience physical touch, because most people are too afraid to touch them. To them, the knowledge that people they didn’t know would be willing to kneel in the dirt and touch their decaying bodies to ease their suffering ultimately meant, “You are still a human being, and you deserve to be cared for.” It was incredibly emotional for everyone involved. I wish I could say I was able to easily push aside the worry that I was going to contract one of their sicknesses, but that would be a lie. It wasn’t easy. And yet, afterward, I stood dumbly listening as a 80-year old half-blind Haitian man gave a speech in a language I didn’t understand about how thankful he was that we spent time caring for their comfort.
Meanwhile, my wife was with the women. She’s a vocalist, and while she was tending to a few of the Haitian women who had sores all over, and who were dying from AIDS and Tuberculosis, she began singing “Amazing Grace” in English. The Haitian women smiled for the first time since she stepped foot in that place, and on the second verse, the Haitian women joined in, only they sang it in Creole. They finished the song together, in two languages simultaneously, and then proceeded to hug each other.
A simple song of faith became the means by which they transcended all cultural, linguistic, and social barriers to express their love for God and each other.
It was one of the most profound moments I’ve ever experienced.
Music is the universal language.
Deeper, more basic than words.
Totally awesome.
This is great. Truly, music is a universal language. How many of us have seen and heard the flash orchestras appear in malls and noticed the great number of people who stop their shopping to listen to music. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there would be a way to incorporate the universal attraction to music in writing? And use it to draw people to Christ?
This is a bit of a lengthy story that ties back in with the power of music.
When my wife and I were in Haiti, we visited a home for the dying and destitute to ease the suffering of people on their death beds by massaging them and cutting their hair/beards. It was one of the few times these people were able to experience physical touch, because most people are too afraid to touch them. To them, the knowledge that people they didn’t know would be willing to kneel in the dirt and touch their decaying bodies to ease their suffering ultimately meant, “You are still a human being, and you deserve to be cared for.” It was incredibly emotional for everyone involved. I wish I could say I was able to easily push aside the worry that I was going to contract one of their sicknesses, but that would be a lie. It wasn’t easy. And yet, afterward, I stood dumbly listening as a 80-year old half-blind Haitian man gave a speech in a language I didn’t understand about how thankful he was that we spent time caring for their comfort.
Meanwhile, my wife was with the women. She’s a vocalist, and while she was tending to a few of the Haitian women who had sores all over, and who were dying from AIDS and Tuberculosis, she began singing “Amazing Grace” in English. The Haitian women smiled for the first time since she stepped foot in that place, and on the second verse, the Haitian women joined in, only they sang it in Creole. They finished the song together, in two languages simultaneously, and then proceeded to hug each other.
A simple song of faith became the means by which they transcended all cultural, linguistic, and social barriers to express their love for God and each other.
It was one of the most profound moments I’ve ever experienced.
Brennan, I’m awestruck by the “packaging” in which God wraps some of His greatest gifts to us. Thank you for sharing that experience.
He’s lucky the audience was not tone deaf!
Wonderful! Gr
eat start for a Monday. Thank you.