Devotionals are almost unique to Christian publishing. While some non-Christian publishers dabble with devotionals of different kinds, Christians have been writing and reading devotionals for centuries.
So how do you write a devotional? Well, that is what we are going to talk about today.
Our guest today is the author of 16 Ways to Create Devotional Writing to Renew the Spirit and Refresh the Soul. He is also the senior acquisitions editor for Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
David Sluka, welcome to the Christian Publishing Show!
- 16 Ways to Create Devotional Writing to Renew the Spirit and Refresh the Soul
- http://bakerpublishinggroup.com
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The post How to Write Devotionals with David Sluka appeared first on Christian Publishing Show.
Devotional writing is so interesting and exciting. I was challenged by a writing friend to attempt the 150 word children’s devotionals that Focus on the Family was wanting for their Thriving Family magazine. It was a totally different kind of writing for me, but I discovered that I could put some spiritual depth into such a tiny snippet and the challenge was enjoyable!
To produce, now, a devotional
has passed beyond my ken;
too much of the emotional
would flow unto my pen
and colour everything I write,
each Scripture I apply,
for here, adrift in cancer’s night
I do not want to die,
at least, dear Lord, not in this way,
not crowned in mire and pain,
not dreading sunrise every day
and the tears which fall like rain;
all I could scribe would be a plea,
a private note to God, from me.
This poem, from your heart to mine, has touched me. There are those in my life who are going through dark times. Thanks for reminding me that those emotions are a daily struggle, and I need to keep them in constant prayer.
Mary-Lynn,thank you so much for this lovely, gracious affirmation. I treasure your words!
What a timely podcast. I love how God can take something produced a year ago and make it a fresh word for me, today. Thanks for helping me to see that the title needs to grab the reader and that the content needs to bring hope. I have taken notes and will be applying this wisdom to my devotional writing.
Blessings, Mary-Lynn
Thank you for so much valuable information. Very inspiring. I have worked for hire and I found it helpful that the publisher had guidelines and tools to keep me on track. For my own writing, I enjoyed hearing your organizational tips as I have hundreds of devotions written or started and need to pray over which themes would be most well-received and bless those who read them. God bless you as you help authors fulfill their dreams of being published and ministering to others.