Children’s books are the fastest growing segment of publishing in 2020. There was a time a few months ago when The Very Hungry Caterpillar was in the top 10 of all products on Amazon–not only books, but all products in the everything store. The pandemic has caused many parents to spend more time with their children, and those parents are desperate for an alternative to screen time.
So, how do you write for children? As the dad of a 9-month-old and a 23-month-old, I will say we need more children’s books. Right now my daughter is on a Pokey Little Puppy kick. Every night she wants that book. I am ready for something new!
To help with this situation, we have a special guest.
She is Associate Publisher for Children and Youth at Tyndale House Publishers. She brings an extensive background of working with children and children’s products, including eight years of working with Focus on the Family’s Adventures in Odyssey.
Linda Howard, welcome to the Christian Publishing Show!
The post How to Write for Children with Linda Howard appeared first on Christian Publishing Show.
My wife says I’m a kid at heart
so let’s just take a look
at wisdom that I might impart
in a children’s book.
I think kids are deservin’
of no mean respect,
so: “How To Overhaul A Merlin
in 1,000 Steps.”
And in adventure I can give
a real good master class,
and and write a book on “How to Live
Life Leading to ‘Jackass’ “.
But here is one that WON’T appear:
“A Pop-Up Guide To Home-Brewed Beer.”
Yay! I’m so excited to listen to this while I clean my kitchen! I’m always super excited when writing for children is addressed, especially by editors in the business of children’s books and on blogs that I know and trust. Thanks, guys!
Great job you guys (insert sarcastic eye roll) now you’ve inspired me so much that I am really having to fight to keep myself from abandoning my NaNoWriMo project, galloping off without an outline, and writing that puppy-themed grief book! Argh!!! But really, you did do a great job and my dramatic internal travails are certainly not your fault. Thank you so much!
I have had two children’s picture books published with a third under contract with Elk Lake Publishing. But I know I’m a life-long learner and I took some notes while listening–I definitely learned some new ideas to apply. Thank you, thank you! Also, a HUGE thank you for having a podcast devoted to children’s books. It’s a huge market, and like Thomas mentioned, sometimes children’s book authors feel like a stepchild. Just sayin’!