Happy Thanksgiving!
A tradition my (Steve) family has had during Thanksgiving is to play “The Thankful Game.” Since we spend our day with extended family we have a bit of driving to do to get there. So during the trip we would rotate around the car with each member of the family having to to finish the sentence “I’m thankful for…” The answers could be serious or silly. Everything from animals to favorite foods to sports to faith was placed on the table (or the altar if you think in terms of symbolism).
In honor of that tradition I thought it fun to have the three of us agents play the game for you. But then you are supposed to continue the game in the comments below.
May God’s grace be with you all as we give thanks to Him from whom all blessings flow.
I’m thankful for…
Steve: The legacy my dad left to us. We miss you.
Tamela: My husband, daughters, and parents, who always love me.
Karen: A family legacy of faith and love
Steve: Mentos
Tamela: Tunes for the car!
Karen: The unfettered delight my dogs exhibit whenever I come home.
Steve: The joy of reading
Tamela: The times in my life when the Lord has spoken to me.
Karen: a supportive and loving husband, family, and friends, all of whom make the good days richer and the dark days easier to bear.
Your Turn!
What are you thankful for?
I’m thankful for my husband who encourages me and my grandchildren who bring delight to my life. Oh-yes and my kids, too. I wouldn’t have the grandkids without them 🙂
I am thankful that I have a wonderful family to spend Thanksgiving with and to come home to everyday. I am also thankful that God has given me many talents including art and writing. Thanks Steve for having us focus on what’s really important.
I’m thankful for my dad whose larger than life personality awoke in me a love for a well-told story.
I’m thankful for the promise in Philippians 4:6&7, which God has kept with unfailing mercy.
I am thankful for caring Paramedics, Doctors and Nurses. I’m thnkful for life and love. I’m thankful for the ability to be thankful! 🙂
I’m thankful that I have too many things to name right here.
But a few include: beautiful sunrises God paints across our skies, my amazing, encouraging husband who supports me on this writing journey, delightful children who give me big hugs and insist on kisses (no, they haven’t hit the teen years yet), and friends who know the perfect thing to say when I’m having a difficult day. I’m most thankful for God’s faithfulness, unfailing and unending and unchanging.
I’m thankful for good health.
I am so thankful for an awesome God who cared enough for me that He came in the humblest way possible to give Himself as the ultimate sacrifice so I can spend eternity with Him.
The cherry on top of the desert is the fact that He not only chose me to be one of His own, but, He also gave me the gift of putting words together to help others see how incredibly awesome He is.
I’m thankful that God used Sally Apokedak and this blog to remind me of His promises.
I’m thankful for metaphors, the music of the written word. Also, God’s grace that keeps standing this bowling pin back up.
I’m thankful for family, books, and chocolaty peanut butter crackers.
I’m thankful for the sweetest boyfriend that takes good care of me when I have a terrible cold and he does too. I’m thankful for friends who always have interesting stories to tell. I’m thankful for the beauty of the sky, whether it’s the rainbow in a storm, the stars and moon in the night, or sunshine and wispy clouds in a perfect blue sky. And I’m thankful that almost everywhere I go I will meet people, and people are almost always nice if you give them half a chance.
I’m thankful that at this late stage in my life, I am finally doing what I love to do most – writing books. I’m thankful for a great agent and a wonderful publisher. Most of all I’m thankful for a God whose mercies are new every morning and whose grace is always amazing.
I am thankful for God, and family, and many blessings, not the least of which is access to this blog and the wonderful wisdom and knowledge found herein.
There are truly too many things to count, and not enough space, but on this day, the day that my son, daughter-in-love, and her family and all three of our grandchildren will share together, I am humbled and thankful for the gift of restoration for without HIM, this type of reunion would not have been possible. Oh, how true are His promises for only He can restore what the locusts have stolen!
I’m thankful for my savior, my husband, my kids, my parents, my siblings, my church, and my friends.
And right now, I’m thankful for the scent of roasting turkey, sunny skies, and the sound of the football game in the other room.
I’m grateful for our new puppy, Hannah, and for the $3,000 we spent on her to get her fixed so that now she can hop like a bunny without being in pain. Something seemed very special about bringing her home even though we knew she wasn’t quite right, and then being willing to spend the time and money to help her recover. In the end, she’s helping us do the same.