Every year, we contemplate the wondrous mystery of the Incarnation. The eternal God coming to us in the form of a baby. And his name is called Jesus.
J.I. Packer wrote in his book Knowing God:
The Almighty appeared on earth as a helpless human baby, needing to be fed and changed and taught to talk like any other child. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as this truth of the Incarnation.
To think about this mystery is one of the great joys of this season. He did this for us!
Have a blessed Christmas!
P.S. Our agency will be taking a break from blogging after this Friday’s edition, December 23–January 8. Look for my “Year in Review” post on January 8.
Merry Christmas, Steve and crew!
As always, the joys of Christmas take us away from the cares and horrors of this sinful, crazy world, and nourish us with the hope and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, God incarnate. Merry Christmas to all who labor in the fields of the Lord by spreading the word through books.
Look past the ornaments and lights,
look past the gifts beneath the tree.
Look past to see the God that fights,
a brawler born for you and me.
There, the shepherds, there, the manger.
There’s Mary of the sweet shy charms
who holds the antidote to danger,
God’s pugilist, in her frail arms,
Who’ll one day go down for the count,
while fists upraised, the devil jeers,
but ten is not the full amount,
and Satan will then face his fears
as Jesus comes back into play
and knocks him into yesterday.
Merry Christmas, ya’ll. Your blogs will be missed, but I look forward to reading more in the new year.
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all you and The Steve Laube Agency do for others. Jesus IS the reason for the Season! Be blessed, and enjoy the break.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at The Steve Laube Agency! May you each experience the overwhelming love of Jesus as you celebrate the birth of our Savior. Enjoy your break. See you next year!
Blessed Christmas to you as well.
Merry Christmas and thanks for the words for Jesus’s Birthday!
Merry Christmas, Steve and all.
Amen, and Merry Christmas!!
Absolutely! The mystery and wonder, the miracle of God’s love to us in sending his only Son, part of the Godhead, to earth to be born of a virgin and go through life like us humans. Then to suffer and die for all our sins, when He didn’t have to. It’s beyond amazing. I often imagine the ponderings of Mary as she beheld her first born Son. Praise God!
Have a blessed Christmas.
You’ve been a help to everyone hoping to hone their craft, but even more you’ve demonstrated the best of spiritual leadership. We’re all grateful for your ministry. Makes me feel sorry for those who see themselves as just doing a job.
Merry CHRISTmas.
Merry Christmas to everyone at the Steve Laube Agency and their families. I appreciate the information in your Blog Posts and find them invaluable—blessings to all!
Staggering is right. The older I get, the more amazed I am that God would voluntarily leave heaven for us! For me!
Joy to the World!!