How to Pay a Ghost – Great post on how ghostwriting works.
A Noah’s Ark for Books! – Brewster Kahle is storing a copy of every book ever published. Spending millions on storage and scanning. Fascinating.
Search Google by Reading Level – Refine your searches! Who knew Google could do this too?
Yet Another Supreme Court Case Concerning Book Sales – This time dealing with the “grey” market of reselling used books.
BookTango – A new social reading site. Check it out!
The Dirty Secret of Overnight Success – I love this article. Read it and then get back to work.
Thanks for the link to all those dirty little secrets! I was in the mood for that reminder today. Bless you.
Thanks for all these links. Going to check out “Dirty Secrets” now. 🙂 Hopefully, I can read more later today.
I look at the whole “overnight success” illusion through polarized, rose, plaid and scratched up glasses. NO ONE is an overnight success. (Except moi, but I digress…) The amount of work for the author alone is tremendous, then the anxious (food) chain of agents and publication takes forever. On and on ad nauseum.
And then?? When everything is lined up and Cinderella is about to emerge from her/my coach??
What do I wear to my book launch!?
Grinning. 🙂
Being called a misguided dreamer is so much more romantic than being called a struggling (in more than one sense) writer. Thanks for the dirty secrets article! I needed that encouragement today 🙂
I liked that too, Cindy. 🙂