Shortly after I became a book editor, I was working on a nonfiction manuscript that focused on Mormonism. When I finished editing, I ran the spell check. Imagine my reaction when the dear spell check wanted to replace every Mormon with moron and Mormonism with Moronism!
Since those long ago days, spell check has invaded countless emails, files, and text messages. As much as we appreciate it catching our errors, we curse it for “fixing” words that didn’t need fixing. So when I came across this poem recently, I knew I wanted to share it with you.
So here, for your reading pleasure:
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It cam with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew!
Love the pic at the top!
Haha, oh yes, that darn spell checker! Sometimes I am amazed the words that AREN’T in my software dictionary.
Wonderful! R purr hips eye shooed say one dr. full
Eye luv thiz. Eye thinc mi spell chequer wuld hav a foon tiem ficsing mi cahment toodai.
Thanks for sharing this, Karen. It’s fun. I, too, chuckled at the picture you used today. 🙂
Love it! Thanks for the smile this morning.
I appreciated this post. I am a horrific speller. I once had a teacher in high school tell me never to write anything down in the English Language with out a dictionary in hand. (But I never understood this, because you have to be able to look it up by how it is spelled.)
Ironically, here I am writing a book. God has a great sense of humor.
I must admit that spell checker is my best friend but I do have to watch for those wrong fixes.
I also am a bad speller and have to watch the bad fixes. I’ve started a list of words I commonly misspell or don’t remember how to spell the word. I often find myself spending ten or more minutes just trying to find it in the dictionary and finding I’ve been pronouncing it wrong in my head. In college taking English three times before passing. Then here I am writing a novel and stuff.
I once wrote an article about Health Savings Accounts, abbreviated HSA, which my word processor kept auto-correcting to HAS.
I COULD make a joke about how I’ll be voting for a MORON this fall for President, but I won’t! I am voting for a Mormon, however. Grin. Thanks for the chuckles!
Heather, you got a good laugh out of me! lol I’m ‘write’ there with ya!
That was good! I felt like I was playing a game of Mad Gab!
How funny! If I put Text to Speech to work, incorrect spellings are only found if it’s a Mormon/Moron mistake. However, there/their/they’re mistakes are like your beautiful Ode. It’s only Audibly Correct.
Glad you all enjoyed it. Just FYI, the fabulous Steve Laube is the genius who picks out the pictures each week.