My favorite childhood favorite is Barbie Goes to a Party by Jean Bethell, illustrated by Claudine Nankivel. The story details how Barbie spends an afternoon consulting her mother and girlfriends, and how her mother and she advise Barbie’s friend Midge, about what to wear to a party. In the end, everyone wears the same outfit, as per Barbie’s suggestion. So they are all the best dressed at the party!
This book is all about friendship, family, wisdom, ingenuity, and a happily-ever-after ending, much like the romance novels I represent now. Looking back at my early taste in books, the fact I used to read this story to my girls when they were little, and how it still makes me smile, it’s no wonder I enjoy being a literary agent so much. And that I gravitate to stories with happy endings.
Today, if you are throwing a party, I think you should invite me. I still might ask my mother what to wear. I will always ask my husband, although, unlike Barbie’s mother, he will never bake cupcakes during the decision-making process. Today’s book might be titled, Tamela Goes to the ACFW Banquet. I might spend a few moments thinking about what to wear. Some things never change.
Your turn:
What is your favorite childhood book?
Are the characters in your favorite book like you at all?