Recently, one of my elderly Christian friends shocked me by admitting she’s never read the whole Bible. I feel sad for her because I can tell she’s not planning to make reading the Bible a goal. Each time I read the entire Bible, I become a better person, although never superior to others.
Now is the time
Whether you have never read the full Bible, have read it once or twice, or choose to read it every year, let’s resolve together for 2024 to begin reading the Bible from start to finish. Add this reading to the Christian books you already study and enjoy.
Sometimes Christian books rightly emphasize healing, forgiveness, and love over the consequences of sin. This concept came home to me when one of my daughters, strong in her faith and knowledgeable about the Bible, said she went to Barnes and Noble to find a new devotional book but could only find comfort food. She said she wanted something to kick her in the butt. I pointed out the extreme limitations of the selection at Barnes and Noble and suggested that she reread the Bible.
Let’s begin
Choose a Bible version you like. As you read, prepare to be convicted.
Reading the books in order can be challenging because some extensive sections portray the mercilessness and relentlessness of extended wars. Intervening passages declaring the Lord’s mercy seem few, though powerful.
No matter how many times you read the Bible, different passages will speak to you because you have changed and grown since your last reading of Scripture.
Disobedient? Be very, very afraid. The Lord makes clear that He becomes extraordinarily wrathful when any of His people worship anyone or anything but Him.
Obedient? You may suffer, even unjustly, but God does not abandon His people.
You may have a Christmas cookie now
Today, let’s celebrate the arrival of the Christ Child and know that God’s love is unwavering. Let’s take time during the entire Christmas season to reconnect with family and friends. Let’s savor the uplifting Christmas story we read each year in the Bible.
Then let’s make 2024 the best year ever as we reconnect in the deepest possible way with God, through His Word.
May you have a joyful, blessed Christmas and a meaningful and fulfilling 2024.
What I feared has come upon me,
as I had been told it would;
my knack for reading chose to flee
when it would have done most good.
I don’t know what drove it away,
the long high fevers, or just cancer?
Whatever happened, on this day
I do not need to know the answer,
’cause there is still so much to do,
and no day is ever dull.
I’m cheerful, happy, far from through
and as I write my joy is full
in walking down God’s chosen path
with gratitude my epitaph.
Dear Andrew, another beautiful reminder from you that we can choose how to view our circumstances and our responses. Have a blessed Christmas, friend.
Karen, thank thank you! Things change, and the changes can bring joy, if we but listen to God’s will.
Blessings to you and yours!
Beautiful, Andrew!
Thank you, Deborah!
Reading the Bible from beginning to end is a big undertaking but well worth the time spent devouring God’s Word. Even reading through all the begat’s, there’s something to learn. I agree, Tamela, let’s make 2024 the best ever as we commit to reading the Bible daily.
Wise reading advice, Tamela, thank you. Merry Christmas!
A forensic pathologist I worked with once asked me if I read the entire Bible. I told him I had. He said, “Me, too. It didn’t help me.” I told him, “You have to let it.” He paused a beat, and said, “You’re right.”
Amen! The Bible is unlike any other book. It is Jesus Christ the Word of God revealed! Thank you for this reminder, dear Tamela.
Tamela, what a timely word! This past year was the first time in several years that I didn’t read the Bible through in one year and I really felt the absence! I have a New Living translation “read through the Bible in a year” Bible, and it offers a portion of the New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs for each day— the reading portions are such that it takes about 15 or 20 minutes total to read the day’s selections. That organizational method offers a balance that keeps me from spending an unrelieved, gritty week in Leviticus or Job. Thanks again for this reminder and have a beautiful Christmas.
Wonderful advice. There are so many good plans to read through the Bible in a year.
The Bible will not help you,
even read page one to end.
It’s you who must supply the glue,
adhesive that forbids pretend,
for like the horses died of old,
you truly must be rendered first,
and before you have grown cold,
poured to skin that will not burst.
And then perchance your eyes will open
on pages that now come alive,
and with soul and spirit broken
you may rise, and rising, thrive
unto the greatest understanding
to remain erect, and standing.
‘Tis true, ’tis true. Thank you Andrew.
Tamela, thank you so much for this challenge! I love to read the Bible in a different translation each year but it’s difficult to find others who enjoy that too.
That makes you a special friend indeed.
Many years ago, before I fully committed my life to the Lord, a godly couple talked at a small group gathering about how many times they had read the Bible from cover to cover. I was flabbergasted. I’d never known anyone who had read the entire Bible, and it seemed like such a daunting task.
Fast forward thirty-plus years, and I’ve now read through the Bible more times than I can count. There’s no greater book we can spend our time in than God’s Word!
Merry Christmas, Tamela, and to all who read this.
Wow! Best thing I’ve read in a while! Go on with your good self!
I didn’t always read the Bible through in a year but have done so the last 2-3 years and now I can’t imagine not doing so. It is so insightful to learn about our Lord and it’s also humbling (hint: humans aren’t anywhere near as brilliant as they think they are!).
Like some people need coffee, I need to read an OT chapter, a NT chapter plus a Psalm each day. Wonderful!
Great advise! If anyone finds they need a little help – especially getting through the most challenging books- there’s a great podcast by Fr. Mike Schmitz that can be found on YouTube called “The Bible in a Year.” He does a wonderful job of leading you through all the books of the Bible with commentaries to help explain the readings. In less than 30 minutes a day you can read the entire Bible in one year.
Amen 2 that Tamela!!
Amen 2 that Tamela!!
A late response, and I apologize for that, but I want to echo your comments. I have read through the Bible in a year five times but took last year to do topic-focused studies. However, I found I had a longing to get back to reading through the entire Bible. I am taking that up again in 2024 and look forward to reading the familiar events that are seen with fresh eyes no matter how many times I’ve read them.
I use a guide that organizes each day’s reading in chronological arrangement according to leading conservative Bible scholars. For example, the poetic and prophetic books in the OT are inserted into the historical books at about the point in the narrative where they are thought to have been written. I find that connects them more vividly.
Thank you, Tamela, for reminding us of the best Bible study available to us.